Outstanding Achievement Award recipients are listed in alphabetical order by last name. Listed beneath each awardee name is the nominating college and date of award presentation. Biographies, where available, are as-of date of award presentation.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Aabel, Bernard C.
College of Pharmacy, May 1, 1956
Aamodt, Olaf S.
College of Agriculture, April 18, 1970
Abdel-Monem, Mahmoud M.
College of Pharmacy, April 22, 1999
Abu-Saad, Ismael
College of Education and Human Development, April 1, 2004
Adair, Fred L.
Medical School, October 8, 1951
Adams, Floyd R.
College of Education, June 20, 1962
Adams, Forrest H.
Medical School, February 3, 2017
Adams, Laurence J.
Institute of Technology, November 6, 1970
Adams-Ender, Clara
School of Nursing, April 6, 1990
Adamsick, Randy
College of Liberal Arts, December 12, 1999
Adrian, Ronald J.
College of Science and Engineering, February 2, 2017
Agee, Warren K.
May 18, 1973
Agnich, Fred J.
Institute of Technology, June 6, 1972
Aldes, John Henry
Medical School/Orthopedics, June 3, 1969
Alexis, Marcus
Carlson School of Management, June 11, 1981
Allard, William Albert
College of Liberal Arts, May 25, 1994
Allen, John Stuart
College of Liberal Arts, October 11, 1962
Allen, Raymond B.
Medical School, November 1, 1952
Amann, Charles A.
Institute of Technology, May 31, 1991
Amidon, Edna P.
College of Education, March 31, 1953
Amidon, George B.
College of Agriculture, April 18, 1964
Amundson, Benjamin C.
School of Dentistry, November 4, 1960
Andersen, Elmer L.
Carlson School of Management, November 19, 1959
Anderson, Arnold S.
Medical School, June 4, 1993
Anderson, Arthur Lawrence
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Home Economics, April 24, 1965
Anderson, Bruce K.
Carlson School of Management, November 11, 1997
Anderson, Carl M.
Law School, June 7, 1968
Anderson, Carlyle E.
School of Business, November 19, 1959
Anderson, Dean R.
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, May 5, 1990
Anderson, Delwin M.
College of Liberal Arts, December 4, 1970
Anderson, Donald M.
Carlson School of Management, March 23, 2006
Anderson, Frank Maloy
Medical School/Alumni Association, May 22, 1953
Anderson, G. Lester
College of Education, March 28, 1956
Anderson, Joseph A.
Institute of Technology, December 9, 1955
Anderson, Kenneth Eugene
College of Education, April 30, 1965
Anderson, Lawrence B.
Institute of Technology, October 5, 1950
Anderson, Lowell J.
College of Pharmacy, February 2, 1996
Anderson, Minton M.
Institute of Technology, May 14, 1954
Anderson, Robert K
Institute of Technology, June 5, 1992
Anderson, William
College of Liberal Arts, October 22, 1959
Applegate, Irvamae
College of Education, April 22, 1966
Arakeri, Hanumappa Ramappa
College of Agriculture, February 28, 1978
Archabal, Nina M.
College of Liberal Arts, December 9, 2001
Armstrong, Grace
College of Education, June 25, 1958
Arnoldy, Roman
Institute of Technology, November 11, 1983
Arnott, Hermon J.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, April 9, 1976
Arnow, L. Earle
Institute of Technology/Alumni Association, September 14, 1955
Arny, Clara Brown
College of Education, June 25, 1958
Institute of Technology, September 26, 2008
Aslin, Richard N.
College of Education and Human Development, April 17, 2015
Asplin, Edward W.
Carlson School of Management, July 26, 2000
Atwood, Harry E.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, June 8, 1971
Austin, Louis Thomas
School of Dentistry, October 4, 1963
Augustine, Scott D.
Medical School, October 19, 2011
Aydelotte, Myrtle K.
School of Nursing, May 7, 1959
Ayres, Mary Andrews
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, October 28, 1978
Bachman, Dale L.
Landscape Arboretum, April 30, 2011
Bachman, Todd L.
College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences, August 26, 2010
Bailey, Clyde H.
College of Agriculture, September 28, 1962
Bailey, Stuart L.
Institute of Technology, November 30, 1956
Bailey, William J.
Institute of Technology, November 5, 1976
Baillif, E. Allen
Institute of Technology, November 2, 1973
Baker, Donald G.
College of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, March 4, 2005
Bakken, Earl E.
Institute of Technology, November 6, 1981
Bakken, Glenn P.
Institute of Technology, November 13, 1964
Balch, Earle Henry
College of Liberal Arts, November 17, 1966
Baldwin, John J.
Institute of Technology, June 4, 1999
Ballet, Arthur H.
College of Liberal Arts, June 9, 1991
Barlow, Arthur A.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, June 6, 1973
Barnes, Donald K.
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, June 2, 1996
Barr, Doulgas W.
Institute of Technology, May 7, 2010
Baughman, Ernest T.
College of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, March 31, 2003
Beach, Joseph Warren
College of Liberal Arts, April 19, 1951
Beaumont, John H.
College of Agriculture, May 25, 1951
Beckjord, Walter Clarence
Institute of Technology, October 5, 1950
Beebe, William T.
School of Business, April 22, 1976
Beise, S. Clark
Carlson School of Management, April 21, 1955
Bell, James Ford
Carlson School of Management, May 24, 1951
Bennett, Dorothy A.
Library School, June 24, 1954
Bennett, Russell M.
Law School, May 14, 1988
Benson, Ellis
Medical School, June 3, 1994
Bentley, Charles Fred
College of Agriculture, May 6, 1961
Bentley, Donald E.
School of Dentistry/Alumni Association, November 16, 1984
Berg, Gordon
College of Human Ecology, October 23, 1992
Berg, Norbert R.
School of Business, October 27, 1976
Berg, Robert R.
Institute of Technology, May 7, 1992
Berg, Selmer H.
College of Education, April 9, 1952
Berg, Sherwood O.
College of Agriculture, May 14, 1980
Bergad, Pearl L.
College of Biological Sciences, May 17, 2003
Berget, Susan M
College of Biological Sciences, April 13, 1996
Bergland, Robert
University of Minnesota-Crookston, May 18, 1979
Bergman, Bruce J.
College of Science and Engineering, November 2, 2012
Berkner, Lloyd V.
Institute of Technology, September 29, 1952
Bernard, Jessie
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, October 29, 1972
Berning, Theodore J.
College of Education, March 28, 1956
Berry, Jane B.
University of Minnesota-Crookston/Alumni Association, October 5, 1974
Bertin, Richard J.
College of Pharmacy, April 13, 2016
Bhattacharya, Kaushik
College of Science and Engineering, October 19, 2018
Bierman, Bernard W.
College of Liberal Arts/ Alumni Association, May 20, 1955
Binger, C. Robert
College of Agriculture, Forestry, & Home Economics, March 1, 1975
Binger, James H.
Law School/University Foundation, March 23, 1973
Bisby, Guy Richard
College of Agriculture, March 3, 1955
Bjorge, Guy Norman
Institute of Technology, October 5, 1950
Black, Ben D.
School of Business, April 19, 1956
Blackwell, Sara E.
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Home Economics, March 3, 1973
Blanchard, James J.
Law School, May 19, 1984
Blank, Rebecca M.
College of Liberal Arts, December 6, 2008
Blatz, Kathleen A.
Law School, April 27, 2000
Blegen, Carl William
College of Liberal Arts, February 28, 1952
Blegen, Theodore C.
College of Liberal Arts, June 5, 1962
Blish, Morris J.
College of Agriculture, January 14, 1953
Block, Kenneth L.
Carlson School of Management, September 13, 2007
Blodgett, Omer W.
Institute of Technology/Civil Engineering, May 4, 2007
Blomquist, Arnold W.
College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Science, June 1, 2001
Board, Mark P.
College of Science and Engineering, November 6, 2014
Boardman, Charles W.
College of Education, June 24, 1959
Bodman, Geoffrey B.
College of Agriculture, February 28, 1952
Boekelheide, Virgil Carl
Institute of Technology, November 17, 1967
Bohannon, George W.
Institute of Technology, November 30, 1961
Boland, Edward W.
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Bonde, Richard H.
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, June 18, 1990
Bonestroo, Otto G.
Institute of Technology, November 15, 2007
Booth, Ernest G.
College of Agriculture, June 5, 1984
Boothe, James H.
College of Pharmacy, May 24, 1962
Bootman, J. Lyle
College of Pharmacy, October 1, 1998
Borchardt, Lester F.
Institute of Technology, June 5, 1987
Bordwell, Frederick G.
Institute of Technology, June 2, 1972
Borlaug, Norman E.
College of Agriculture, January 26, 1959
Bortnick, Newman M.
Institute of Technology, May 5, 2000
Boss, W. Andrew
College of Liberal Arts, June 4, 2001
Boss, William
College of Agriculture, October 27, 1958
Bothner-by, Aksel A.
Institute of Technology, June 7, 1975
Bovey, Frank A.
Institute of Technology, November 1, 1968
Bowers, John E.
College of Science and Engineering, February 2, 2017
Boyd, Willard L.
Law School, June 14, 1972
Boyle, James Dennis
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, February 28, 1957
Boyle, Rena
School of Nursing, May 7, 1959
Braasch, William
Medical School/Alumni Association, May 25, 1951
Brabeck, Mary
College of Education and Human Development, October 20, 2006
Braenden, Olav J.
College of Pharmacy, March 21, 1974
Brakke, Myron K.
College of College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics, March 3, 1977
Braun, J.S.
Institute of Technology, May 7, 2010
Braun, Richard P.
Institute of Technology, May 4, 2001
Breen, Cynthia
Carlson School of Management, September 22, 2011
Brekhus, Peter John
School of Dentistry, February 17, 1951
Breslow, Lester
School of Public Health, June 4, 1970
Briese, Franklin
Law School/Alumni Association, June 5, 1973
Brink, David R.
Law School, May 14, 1982
Britzius, Charles W.
Institute of Technology, May 31, 1991
Brooks, Gladys Sinclair
College of Liberal Arts, October 11, 1962
Brown, Homer E.
Institute of Technology, November 1, 1974
Brown, Jeanette E.
Institute of Technology, May 6, 2005
Brown, Robert A.
College of Science and Engineering, November 2, 2017
Bruckenstein, Stanley
Institute of Technology, May 7, 2010
Brudevold, Finn
School of Dentistry, November 15, 1974
Brudvig, Gary W.
College of Science and Engineering, November 17, 2016
Brunetti, Cledo
Institute of Technology, December 5, 1958
Bryant, Marilyn Tickle
College of Liberal Arts, November 29, 2006
Buckman, Robert E.
College of Natural Resources, March 28, 2002
Buckman, Stanley J.
College of Agriculture, May 25, 1951
Buegler, Larry D.
Agricultural, Food, and Environ. Sciences, September 17, 2002
Bulbulian, Arthur H.
School of Dentistry, November 17, 1972
Bull, Henry B.
Institute of Technology, November 19, 1969
Bullard, Irma L.
College of Education, May 24, 1951
Burch, Frank E.
Medical School, October 8, 1951
Burchard, John Ely
College of Liberal Arts, October 24, 1960
Burchell, Howard B.
Medical School, June 7, 1991
Burgess, William Henry
School of Business, October 29, 1964
Burhardt, Krzysztof
Institute of Technology, September 27, 2002
Burich, Misha
College of Science and Engineering, November 6, 2014
Burnham, Duane L.
Carlson School of Management, April 27, 2009
Burnquist, Joseph Alfred Arner
Law School/Alumni Association, February 27, 1958
Burns, Wendell T.
School of Business, November 19, 1959
Burr, George O.
Institute of Technology, September 14, 1955
Burris, Arthur P.
Institute of Technology, November 3, 1972
Buuck, Robert E.
Carlson School of Management, September 3, 2003
Bystrom, John W.
College of Liberal Arts, May 31, 1978
Cabak, James E.
Institute of Technology, April 25, 2001
Calvin, Melvin
Institute of Technology, June 11, 1959
Cameron, Angus E.
Institute of Technology, September 14, 1955
Campbell, Carmen Starkson
College of Education and Human Development, October 5, 2016
Campbell, H. Donald
Law School/Alumni Association, January 22, 1954
Campbell, James R.
Carlson School of Management, February 5, 1996
Campton, Charles E.
College of Education, May 24, 1951
Canoyer, Helen G.
School of Business, April 19, 1956
Carey, Jr., William N.
Institute of Technology, June 4, 1977
Carlin, Robert B.
Institute of Technology, June 2, 1972
Carlsen, Anne H.
College of Education, April 3, 1964
Carlson, Jr., Carlyle Robert
School of Business, February 26, 1959
Carlson, Curtis L.
College of Liberal Arts, November 30, 1967
Carlson, Earl R.
October 8, 1951
Carlson, Margaret Sughrue
College of Education and Human Development, August 9, 2016
Carlson, René
College of Veterinary Medicine, September 10, 2019
Carlton, Richard Paul
Institute of Technology, May 22, 1953
Carnes, Norris K.
College of Agriculture, May 25, 1951
Carreon, Manuel
College of Education, April 25, 1962
Carroll, John E.
Institute of Technology, June 4, 1968
Carter, Walter
College of Agriculture, February 28, 1961
Cartwright, William H.
College of Education, June 24, 1959
Casey, Charles H.
College of Veterinary Medicine, June 9, 1993
Cassel, Norman S.
Institute of Technology, December 9, 1955
Cecere, Andrew
Carlson School of Management, November 12, 2015
Chang, Te Tzu
College of Agriculture, September 15, 1986
Chapman, A. Dale
College of Agriculture, October 23, 1953
Chen, Kung-Pei
School of Public Health, August 1, 1972
Chen, Tu
College of Science and Engineering, October 29, 2015
Chenoweth, Dean B.
Institute of Technology, June 5, 2001
Chesley, Albert J.
Medical School, October 8, 1951
Chowdry, Michael A.
University of Minnesota-Crookston, May 5, 2001
Christenson, Ronald L.
Institute of Technology, April 20, 2005
Christenson, Sandra L.
College of Education and Human Development, February 1, 2023
Christgau, Victor
College of Agriculture/Alumni Association, May 20, 1955
Christy, Myron M.
School of Business, November 6, 1969
Chu, Yun-han
College of Liberal Arts, October 15, 2014
Chute, Marchette Gaylord
February 27, 1958
Ciresi, Michael V.
Law School, April 29, 1999
Clark, Neil M.
Institute of Technology, April 25, 2001
Clark, Randolph Lee
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Clarke, Richard W.
Institute of Technology, June 6, 1997
Clausen, Alden W.
Law School/Alumni Association, June 11, 1971
Claytor, Helen Jackson
College of Human Ecology, January 23, 1968
Clousing, Lawrence Adrian
Institute of Technology, October 15, 1954
Coetzee, Johannes F.
Institute of Technology, October 25, 1985
Cohen, Burton D.
College of Liberal Arts, October 18, 2005
Cohn, Victor
College of Liberal Arts, May 18, 1978
Cole, Harold H.
College of Agriculture, April 20, 1968
Cole, Jack R.
College of Pharmacy, October 14, 1983
Constam, George R.
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Constantine, Earl Gladstone
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 25, 1951
Cook, Luella Bussey
College of Education, March 31, 1953
Cook, William S.
Carlson School of Management/Alumni Association, April 13, 1983
Cooney, John T.
Carlson School of Management, June 28, 2007
Cooper, Chauncey I.
College of Pharmacy, May 20, 1964
Cooper, Irving S.
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Cooper, R. Conrad
Institute of Technology, May 14, 1954
Corse, Carl D.
School of Business, October 5, 1961
Corson, Judith S.
Carlson School of Management, September 24, 2009
Cosgrove, Edward B.
College of Liberal Arts, May 25, 1961
Counsell, Raymond E.
College of Pharmacy, November 21, 1989
Coury, Arthur J.
College of Science and Engineering, May 10, 2013
Covert, Eugene E.
Institute of Technology, May 4, 2007
Cox, William T.
College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, October 23, 1953
Coyne, M. Jeanne
Law School, May 15, 1993
Craig, M. Elizabeth
Medical School, June 2, 1995
Craigie, John Hubert
College of Agriculture, May 25, 1951
Cram, Ira H.
Institute of Technology, October 4, 1957
Crippen, Curtiss E.
Institute of Technology, June 8, 1971
Cromwell, Norman H.
Institute of Technology, June 7, 1975
Cross, Bert S.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, June 6, 1967
Crossen, George E.
College of Pharmacy, October 18, 1951
Crosthwait, Olive H.
College of Pharmacy, May 1, 1956
Cumming, Roger J.
College of Human Ecology/Social Work, October 19, 1965
Cutright, Prudence
College of Education, May 24, 1951
Cyert, Richard M.
Carlson School of Management, November 19, 1975
Czajkowski, Andrew P.
Carlson School of Management, February 19, 1998
Dahl, Borghild
College of Education, June 4, 1980
Dahlberg, Edwin Theodore
College of Agriculture, June 6, 1959
Dahlberg, Henry W.
Institute of Technology, December 5, 1958
Dahlen, Miles A.
Institute of Technology, September 14, 1955
Dale, Charles M.
Law School, June 12, 1959
Damon, George Myron
School of Dentistry, February 17, 1951
Daniels, Farrington
Institute of Technology, October 5, 1950
Dargavel, John W.
College of Pharmacy, October 18, 1951
Darrell, Norris
Law School, June 11, 1965
Davies, Fred A.
Institute of Technology, May 14, 1954
Davies, Herman F.
Institute of Technology, October 7, 1960
Dawson, William
College of Liberal Arts, October 13, 1956
Dean, Jeffrey A.
College of Science and Engineering, November 7, 2013
Deiman, Patricia A.
School of Nursing, April 21, 1982
DeLeo, Richard V.
Institute of Technology, September 23, 2005
DeLien, Horace
Medical School, June 8, 1962
DeMaster, Douglas P.
College of Biological Sciences, March 6, 2003
Deno, Stanley L.
College of Education and Human Development, May 26, 2017
Desnick, Robert John
College of Biological Sciences, May 18, 2019
Deterling, Jr., Ralph A.
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Detwiler, Samuel B
Forestry, October 23, 1953
DeVaney, Fred D.
Institute of Technology, October 7, 1960
Dewey, Douglas R.
College of Agriculture, May 5, 1987
Dhamotharan, D. S.
Institute of Technology, May 6, 2005
Dickinson, Fred E.
College of College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics, March 3, 1977
Diercks, H. Robert
University College, June 5, 1982
Dirksen, Everett M.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association/Law School, June 6, 1963
Dixon, Frank J.
Medical School, February 28, 1985
Dobyns, Brown M.
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Dolan, Mary Edward
College of Education, April 22, 1969
Donath, Fred
Institute of Technology, February 20, 1996
Donovan, Hedley W.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 25, 1956
Dorsey, Rhoda M.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, November 9, 1984
Douglas, Donald M.
Law School, September 17, 1964
Dow, William G.
Institute of Technology, November 30, 1961
Dowell, Austin A.
College of Agriculture, May 5, 1962
Downey, Hal
College of Liberal Arts, April 19, 1951
Downing, Edna C.
College of Education and Human Development, August 17, 2004
Downs, Marion P.
Medical School, June 4, 1976
Doyle, Mary Timothea
College of Liberal Arts, October 9, 1961
Drake, George M.
Institute of Technology, October 7, 1960
Drill, Herman E.
Medical School, October 27, 1961
Dudley, William H.
Carlson School of Management, October 23, 1996
Duffy, Jr., Robert L.
Carlson School of Management, January 31, 2014
Dugan, Willis E.
College of Education, April 21, 1971
Duncan, Kenneth J.
Institute of Technology/Mines and Metallurgy, January 13, 1958
Dungy, Tony
Carlson School of Management/President's Office, May 8, 2007
Durenberger, David F.
Law School, June 12, 1981
Duscha, Lloyd A.
Institute of Technology, June 3, 1988
Duvall, Arndt J.
Institute of Technology, November 2, 1973
Dzuik, Phillip J.
College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, October 11, 2001
Earl, George Arthur
Medical School/Alumni Association, May 22, 1953
East, Charles D.
School of Dentistry, October 14, 1966
Eberhardt, Harold S.
School of Dentistry, November 18, 1977
Eddy, Bob
College of Liberal Arts, May 20, 1976
Edman, Marion L.
College of Education, May 24, 1951
Edstrom, Pamela N.
College of Liberal Arts, June 10, 2016
Edwards, Joseph
College of Agriculture, May 5, 1962
Eldredge, Charles C.
College of Liberal Arts, December 7, 1986
Elling, Laddie J.
College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, October 13, 1998
Elstad, Rudolph T.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 25, 1951
Ely, Fordyce
College of Agriculture, May 7, 1960
Emmons, William D.
Institute of Technology, June 2, 1972
Engelbert, Elmer E.
School of Business, January 25, 1957
Engstrom, Elmer W.
Institute of Technology, October 5, 1950
Engstrom, William W.
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Engum, Theodore C.
College of Education, June 20, 1962
Ensminger, M. E.
College of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences, May 9, 1991
Erickson, Henry A.
College of Liberal Arts, April 19, 1951
Erickson, Russell F.
Institute of Technology, December 1, 1960
Erickson, Theodore A.
College of Agriculture, May 25, 1951
Eriksen, Vernon L.
Institute of Technology, November 3, 1994
Ernst, Max Emil
School of Dentistry, February 17, 1951
Ernst, W. Gary
College of Science and Engineering, October 10, 2011
Esteros, Gertrude
College of Human Ecology, October 22, 1993
Eurich, Alvin C.
College of Education, May 24, 1951
Evans, Geraldine A.
College of Education and Human Development, August 2, 2012
Evans, J. Brian
Institute of Technology, September 20, 2001
Evans, M. Catharine
College of Education, April 14, 1967
Evenstad, Kenneth L.
College of Pharmacy, September 12, 2011
Ewald, Earl
Institute of Technology, November 19, 1965
Faegre, John B.
Law School, June 2, 1970
Faegre, Marion L.
Library School, June 24, 1954
Fallgatter, Florence Alberta
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 9, 1952
Farrell, Frank S.
Law School, June 7, 1968
Fauske, Hans F.
Institute of Technology, September 10, 2004
Ferguson, Donald N.
College of Liberal Arts, April 19, 1951
Fesler, David R.
Carlson School of Management, December 29, 2000
Fesler, John K.
Alumni Association, May 14, 1954
Filerman, Gary L.
School of Public Health, May 22, 1982
Fine, Morris E.
Institute of Technology, May 7, 2010
Fingerson, Leroy M.
Institute of Technology, May 9, 1991
Finnegan, John R.
College of Liberal Arts, May 17, 1974
Finney, Nathaniel S.
College of Liberal Arts, February 28, 1952
Fish, James S.
University College, June 2, 1984
Fitzpatrick, Thomas B.
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Fleming, Robert W.
Carlson School of Management, June 10, 2008
Fletcher, Donald Gould
College of Agriculture, June 7, 1966
Flink, Edmund B.
Medical School, June 1, 1990
Flor, Harold H.
College of Agriculture, January 11, 1962
Flynn, Patrick F.
Institute of Technology, June 6, 1997
Flynn, Vincent Joseph
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 22, 1953
Foley, Patrick M.
College of Science and Engineering, November 6, 2014
Folz, Bernice M.
College of Biological Sciences, May 18, 2002
Foote, Paul Darwin
College of Liberal Arts, April 19, 1951
Foss, Donald
College of Liberal Arts, December 12, 1993
Foss, John E.
College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resources Sciences, October 9, 2007
Frame, J. Leonard
Institute of Technology, October 24, 1969
Franz, John
Institute of Technology, June 3, 1988
Frary, Francis Cowles
Institute of Technology, October 5, 1950
Fraser, Arvonne S.
Humphrey Institute Public Affairs, November 6, 2007
Fraser, Donald M.
Law School, June 14, 1975
Fredrickson, Caroline M.
College of College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics, July 18, 1979
Freeberg, Donald A.
Carlson School of Management, May 21, 2002
Freeman, Edward Monroe
College of Liberal Arts, April 19, 1951
Freeman, Jane C. Shields
Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, August 29, 2001
Freeman, Orville L.
Law School, June 14, 1963
Freese, Stanford
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 8, 2007
French, Clifton E.
College of Education and Human Development, April 11, 2003
French, Lyle A.
Medical School, May 11, 2001
Friswold, Fred R.
Alumni Association, August 13, 2002
Froker, Rudolph K.
College of Agriculture, May 25, 1951
Frolik, Elvin F.
College of Agriculture, March 3, 1973
Frugoni, Piero
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Fryklund, Verne C.
College of Education, March 31, 1953
Fuller, Robert Garfield
College of Liberal Arts, November 4, 1965
Fuson, Reynold Clayton
College of Liberal Arts, April 19, 1951
Gale, Samuel C.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 23, 1952
Gandrud, Ebenhard Stewart
College of Agriculture, June 10, 1980
Gardebring, Sandra S.
Law School, May 15, 1993
Garibaldi, Antoine M.
College of Education and Human Development, May 31, 2006
Garrison, Esther A.
School of Nursing, April 29, 1970
Gates, Larry
College of Liberal Arts/Theatre Arts, June 4, 1976
Gault, Jr., N. L.
Medical School, May 12, 2000
Gaumnitz, Walter H.
College of Education, June 26, 1963
Gaylord, Robert M.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 20, 1955
Gee, Helen Hofer
Medical School/Physiology, September 20, 1969
Geissman, Theodore A.
Institute of Technology, June 2, 1972
Gerstenmaier, John H.
Institute of Technology, June 4, 1977
Gestie, Bernice D.
College of Education, May 24, 1951
Ghostley, George F.
College of Agriculture, May 25, 1951
Gibson, George R.
Institute of Technology, May 31, 1991
Gibson, Ulric P.
School of Public Health, April 10, 2008
Gilbertson, Wesley E.
School of Public Health, May 9, 1983
Gill, J. Raymond
School of Dentistry, November 21, 1975
Gilruth, Robert R.
Institute of Technology, October 15, 1954
Glasoe, Paul Maurice
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 22, 1953
Gleason, Donald F.
Medical School, June 20, 2001
Glen, Robert
College of Agriculture, June 4, 1960
Glover, Gary H.
College of Science and Engineering, October 7, 2010
Godfrey, Henry Samuel
School of Dentistry, February 17, 1951
Goldberg, Paula F.
College of Educationa and Human Development, November 19, 2017
Golden, David Mark
Institute of Technology, June 5, 1998
Goldich, Samuel S.
Institute of Technology, March 30, 1985
Goldsmith, Grace A.
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Goldstein, Irwin J.
College of Biological Sciences, April 13, 1996
Goldthorpe, J. Harold
College of Education, April 30, 1968
Gómez-Mejia, Luis
Carlson School of Management, February 19, 2004
Good, Robert A.
Medical School/Alumni Association, May 20, 1978
Goodman, James A.
College of Human Ecology/Social Work, May 26, 1972
Gough, Harrison G.
College of Liberal Arts, October 19, 2001
Goulden, Cyril H.
College of Agriculture, April 18, 1970
Gower, Bob
Institute of Technology, May 31, 1996
Graham, Geoffrey
College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, October 7, 2022
Graham, Michael
College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, October 7, 2022
Graham, Samuel A.
Forestry, October 23, 1953
Grais, Samuel
College of Pharmacy, January 22, 1964
Grant, Bud
College of Education and Human Development/President's Office, April 12, 2010
Graves, Peter
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 26, 1968
Gray, James
College of Liberal Arts, October 22, 1964
Gray, Richard G.
Institute of Technology, December 9, 1976
Green, Robert O.
School of Dentistry, February 17, 1951
Griggs, Richard L.
University of Minnesota-Duluth, June 14, 1963
Grout, Frank Fitch
College of Liberal Arts, May 15, 1953
Gruber, Patrick R.
College of Science and Engineering, September 29, 2011
Gruenberg, Benjamin C.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, June 5, 1957
Guider, John Patrick
College of Science and Engineering, November 8, 2018
Gunn, Robert D
Institute of Technology, May 7, 1992
Guttman, Louis
College of Liberal Arts, April 25, 1974
Guzy, D. James
College of Liberal Arts, September 17, 2010
Hackborn, Richard A.
Institute of Technology, September 23, 2005
Hafstad, Lawrence Randolph
Institute of Technology, October 5, 1950
Hagberg, Janet Olson
College of Human Ecology, May 1, 1997
Hagen, Olaf J.
Medical School, January 28, 1952
Hagerty, William W.
Institute of Technology, October 24, 1969
Haglund, Elizabeth J.
School of Nursing, April 26, 1976
Hagstrum, Jean H.
College of Liberal Arts, November 16, 1973
Haislet, Edwin L.
College of Education/Alumni Association, June 10, 1980
Hale, James T.
Law School, June 8, 2012
Hale, Lloyd
School of Business, January 25, 1957
Hall, William O.
Humphrey Institite of Public Affairs, October 14, 1971
Halvorson, Halvor Orin
Institute of Technology, June 25, 1960
Hammergren, John
Carlson School of Management, October 3, 2018
Hammarsten, James F.
Medical School, June 2, 1995
Hammel, Richard F.
Institute of Technology, November 4, 1977
Hanold, Terrance
Law School/Alumni Association, June 11, 1971
Hansberger, Robert V.
Institute of Technology, November 5, 1971
Hansen, Arild E.
October 8, 1951
Hansen, Barbara C.S.
Institute of Technology, May 4, 2001
Hanson, Jr., Herbert M.
Carlson School of Management, September 27, 2006
Hanson, Jean E.
Law School, May 15, 1999
Hanson, Perry O.
Alumni Association, September 28, 1960
Harbo, Leif S.
College of Education, March 28, 1956
Harmon, Henry G.
College of Education, May 24, 1951
Harrar, Jacob George
College of Agriculture, January 14, 1953=
Harrington, James B.
College of Agriculture, April 17, 1971
Harris, Philip B.
School of Business, June 13, 1976
Harris, Walter E.
Institute of Technology, November 2, 1973
Hartig, Henry E.
Institute of Technology, November 30, 1961
Hartmann, Robert F.
College of Science and Engineering, October 28, 2011
Hartwick, Elbert S.
Law School/Alumni Association, June 4, 1974
Hartwig, Edgar E.
College of College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics, March 3, 1977
Hartzell, Thomas Bradford
School of Dentistry, February 17, 1951
Hashimoto, Hirotoshi
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Hasselbrack, Sally A.
College of Human Ecology, May 12, 2000
Hatch, Lloyd A.
Institute of Technology, May 14, 1954
Hatcher, Hazel Maurine
College of Education/Alumni Association, May 9, 1952
Haugan, Gladys S.
College of Education, May 2, 1974
Hauge, Cecilia H.
School of Nursing, February 28, 1957
Haugo, John Edward
College of Education and Human Development, June 19, 2017
Haupt, Alma C.
School of Nursing, October 8, 1951
Haycraft, Howard
Library School, June 24, 1954
Hayden, Carl W.
School of Business, November 19, 1959
Haynes, Inez
School of Nursing, May 7, 1959
Heaney, Gerald W.
Law School, June 11, 1976
Heath, Vernon H.
Carlson School of Management, November 2, 1999
Heinemann, F. E.
College of Education, April 22, 1966
Heinen, Mary F.
College of Education and Human Development, April 11, 2003
Heins, Samuel D.
Law School, March 4, 2010
Helland, Samuel T.
University of Minnesota Duluth, May 14, 2011
Heller, Eric J.
Institute of Technology, October 19, 2001
Hellervik, Lowell W.
College of Education and Human Development, June 15, 2022
Heltzer, Harry
Institute of Technology, October 14, 1964
Henle, Robert A.
Institute of Technology, June 2, 1989
Herbst, Robert L.
College of Natural Resources, April 24, 2003
Hertig, Arthur T.
College of Liberal Arts, April 19, 1951
Herzog, Gerald B.
Institute of Technology, April 28, 1973
Heyndrickx, Aubin
College of Pharmacy, May 3, 1980
Heyne, Elmer George
College of Agriculture, May 22, 1986
Hightower, Jr., Nicholas C.
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Hildebrand, Gustaf Yngve
School of Dentistry, April 16, 1957
Hill, Hibbert M.
Institute of Technology, November 30, 1956
Hilleboe, Herman E.
October 8, 1951
Hiniker, Jerome J.
School of Dentistry, November 21, 1969
Hitchcock, Claude R.
Medical School, May 14, 1994
Ho, Yvonne Cheung
Carlson School of Management, August 13, 2004
Hodgson, James D.
School of Business, May 12, 1970
Hodgson, Lorin Baird
School of Dentistry, February 17, 1951
Hoel, Paul Gerhard
Institute of Technology/Mathematics, April 27, 1972
Hoffman, Michael J.
Carlson School of Management, October 4, 2012
Hofmann, Julius V.
Forestry, October 9, 1961
Hogben, C. Adrian M.
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Hogle, James M.
College of Biological Sciences, October 8, 1997
Hogness, Thorfin Rusten
Institute of Technology, October 5, 1950
Holloran, Thomas E.
Law School/Alumni Association, November 11, 1985
Holmes, Gary S.
Carlson School of Management, November 2, 2005
Holmquist, Stanley W.
College of Education, May 20, 1974
Hong, Yeo Shin
School of Nursing, October 4, 1996
Horn, Charles Lilley
Law School, June 9, 1967
Houts, Marshall
Law School /Alumni Association, June 10, 1980
Hovde, Frederick Lawson
Institute of Technology, May 24, 1951
Hovey, Graham
College of Liberal Arts, April 26, 1985
Hoyt, Samuel Leslie
Institute of Technology, October 5, 1950
Hsieh, Samuel C.
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, September 26, 1990
Hubachek, Frank B.
Law School, June 7, 1968
Huber, Alberta F.
Alumni Association, November 14, 1981
Hubers, David R.
Carlson School of Management, October 7, 1998
Hume, David N.
Institute of Technology, June 2, 1972
Humphrey, Hubert H.
College of Pharmacy, February 26, 1959
Humphrey III, Hubert H.
Law School, May 15, 1999
Hursh, Morris C.
Law School/Alumni Association, June 5, 1973
Hustad, Arthur R.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 25, 1951
Huston, Aletha C.
College of Education and Human Development/College of Liberal Arts, June 3, 2004
Hutchisson, Elmer
College of Liberal Arts, April 19, 1951
Hymes, Viola Hoffman
College of Education, June 28, 1961
Ingle, Dwight J.
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Inglis, Rewey Belle
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 14, 1954
Ink, Dwight A.
Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, February 20, 1969
Isaac, Leo A.
College of Agriculture, May 25, 1951
Izuno, Takumi
College of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, May 7, 2000
Jacobi, Judith
College of Pharmacy, March 31, 2011
Jacobsen, Carlyle F.
College of Liberal Arts, April 19, 1951
Jacobsen, Robert D.
College of Liberal Arts, June 23, 2008
Jacobson, Mark L.
Medical School, May 11, 2001
Jaedicke, Robert K.
Carlson School of Management, October 23, 1996
Jaeger, Heinrich Martin
Institute of Technology, February 20, 2002
Jamieson, John R.
Institute of Technology, October 24, 1969
Jandris, Thomas P.
College of Education and Human Development, May 4, 2011
Jarratt, Virginia R.
School of Nursing, April 23, 1979
Jenkins, James Jerome
College of Liberal Arts, October 19, 2001
Jesness, Oscar B.
College of Agriculture, May 9, 1959
Jewett, Arno J.
College of Education, April 22, 1969
Jewett, Robert H.
Institute of Technology, October 15, 1954
Jing, Eric Xiandong
Carlson School of Management, December 9, 2017
Johnson, Algot F.
Institute of Technology/Mines & Metallurgy, October 21, 1955
Johnson, B. Lamar
College of Education, June 22, 1960
Johnson, Carol R.
College of Education and Human Developnment, August 17, 2004
Johnson, David E.
College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, June 18, 2003
Johnson, Edgar F.
Institute of Technology, April 26, 1977
Johnson, Erling O.
College of Education, June 25, 1958
Johnson, F. Roy
College of Agriculture, May 25, 1951
Johnson, Iver J.
College of Agriculture, March 4, 1972
Johnson, James A.
College of Liberal Arts, April 21, 2004
Johnson, Judith L.
College of Education and Human Development, August 4, 2018
Johnson, Kenneth H.
College of Veterinary Medicine, April 18, 2001
Johnson, Lee W.
Institute of Technology, September 15, 1998
Johnson, Orville D.
Institute of Technology, April 25, 2001
Johnson, Raymond E.
School of Dentistry, November 20, 1970
Johnson, Sherman E.
College of Agriculture, May 25, 1956
Johnson, Ted
College of Design, November 9, 2014
Johnson, Thorvaldur
College of Agriculture, January 26, 1959
Johnson, Vincent L.
Institute of Technology, June 7, 1975
Johnson, Jr., Walter F.
College of Education, April 14, 1967
Johnson, Wendell E.
Institute of Technology, November 1, 1968
Johnstone, D. Bruce
College of Education and Human Development, October 13, 1990
Jones, Elmer A.
Institute of Technology, October 7, 1960
Jones, Howard R.
College of Education, April 23, 1970
Jones, Perrie
Library School, July 23, 1964
Jordan, John M.
Institute of Technology, September 23, 2005
Jordan, Richard C.
Institute of Technology, October 26, 1979
Joseph, Burton M.
University College, June 6, 1981
Joseph, Geri
College of Liberal Arts, April 25, 1974
Judd, Walter H.
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Juran, Joseph Moses<
Institute of Technology, April 5, 1954
Jurgensen, Delbert F.
Institute of Technology, November 29, 1962
Kaiser, Harry M.
College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences, October 8, 2009
Kamm, Robert B.
College of Education, April 21, 1971
Kampelman, Max M.
College of Liberal Arts, February 10, 2002
Kaplan, Elliot S.
Law School, May 22, 2002
Kappel, Fred R.
Institute of Technology, December 3, 1954
Kasha, Kenneth J.
College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, October 26, 1999
Kaufert, Frank H.
Forestry, November 9, 1978
Kearney, Nolan C.
College of Education, June 25, 1958
Keating, Stephen F.
Law School/Alumni Association, June 4, 1974
Kelberer, John J.
Institute of Technology, November 30, 1992
Kellogg, Joseph C.
Institute of Technology, May 7, 1992
Kelm, Erwin E.
Alumni Association, June 4, 1974
Kendall, Katherine
School of Nursing, April 29, 1974
KenKnight, Bruce H.
College of Science and Engineering, October 6, 2016
Kennedy, B. J.
Medical School, June 2, 1995
Kerlan, Irvin
Library, April 15, 1961
Kern, M. Sue
School of Nursing, October 14, 1983
Keswani, Nandkumar Hemraj
Law School, September 17, 1964
Keyes, Charles Frederick
College of Liberal Arts/Law School/Alumni Association, May 22, 1953
Keyworth, Roland Grefthen
School of Dentistry, February 17, 1951
Khan, Mehmood
College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, May 13, 2016
Kim, Chong-Sun
System Academic Administration, December 2, 1996
Kim, Choong Nam
System Academic Administration, December 3, 1996
Kim, Myung Ho
School of Public Health, May 21, 2001
Kinney, Lucien B.
College of Education, June 22, 1960
Kinney, Jr., Terry B.
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, November 2, 1988
Kirby, Richard C.
Institute of Technology, November 11, 1983
Kircher, Donald P.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, June 5, 1973
Kirihara, Julie A.
College of Biological Sciences, October 10, 2002
Kirk, Lawrence Eldred
College of Agriculture, May 29, 1953
Klaenhammer, Todd R.
College of Human Ecology/College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, June 7, 2001
Klopsteg, Paul Ernest
Institute of Technology, October 5, 1950
Knollmueller, Ruth Nelson
School of Nursing, May 10, 2006
Knudtson, Arvid C.
College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, June 20, 2001
Knutson, John William
School of Dentistry, February 17, 1951
Knutson, Oscar R.
Law School, June 14, 1963
Kobe, Kenneth Albert
Institute of Technology, September 14, 1955
Koh, Chin-chao
College of Natural Resources, August 1, 1990
Kommerstad, Robert M.
Law School, May 11, 2002
Kopp, LeRoy C.
Carlson School of Management, October 23, 1996
Koshalek, Richard
College of Design, May 11, 2007
Kottke, Frederic J.
Medical School, June 2, 1995
Kovarik, Alois F.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, September 1, 1954
Kowalski, Stan
Army (ROTC), May 31, 2001
Kraft, John Chris
Institute of Technology, September 20, 2001
Kramer, Herbert H.
College of Agriculture, April 20, 1968
Kreidberg, Irene Dorothy
Carlson School of Management, September 30, 1967
Krespan, Carl G.
Institute of Technology, October 19, 2001
Krogh, Lester C.
Institute of Technology, November 9, 1984
Kroll, Mark W.
College of Science and Engineering, November 2, 2012
Kruger, Richard M.
Institute of Technology, April 20, 2005
Krumboltz, John D.
College of Education and Human Development, March 29, 2006
Kueppers, Robert J.
Carlson School of Management, October 4, 2012
Kuhfeld, Albert M.
Law School/Alumni Association, June 2, 1970
Kuhl, Patricia
College of Liberal Arts, April 12, 2007
Kuhrmeyer, Carl A.
Institute of Technology, April 30, 2003
Kukachka, B. F.
Forestry, November 9, 1978
Kullberg, Duane R.
Carlson School of Management, June 10, 1990
Kurtz, Maxine
College of Liberal Arts, October 9, 1971
Kwok, Sun
College of Science and Engineering, October 23, 2013
Kwon, E. Hyock
School of Public Health, June 9, 1979
LaBree, John W.
Medical School, June 1, 1990
Lacy, Paul E.
Law School, September 17, 1964
Laitinen, Herbert August
Institute of Technology, November 13, 1964
Lake, Kathleen D.
College of Pharmacy, October 13, 2000
Lampland, Arthur
Law School/Alumni Association, May 25, 1951
Landeen, Hazel E.
College of Pharmacy, May 20, 1978
Larkin, John E.
College of Education and Human Development/Medical School, May 26, 2010
Larsen, Elizabeth B.
College of Liberal Arts, December 7, 1986
Larson, Earl R.
Law School, June 9, 1978
Larson, Leonard W.
Medical School, June 8, 1956
Larson, Rholan E.
Carlson School of Management, June 16, 2006
Larson, Russell E.
College of Agriculture, May 6, 1961
Laskin, Sylvester
University of Minnesota-Duluth, June 9, 1978
Lauer, Walter M.
Institute of Technology, June 2, 1972
Lauffer, Jr., Max A.
College of Agriculture, May 18, 1964
Laukka, Lawrence A.
Alumni Association, August 13, 2002
Laventhol, David
College of Liberal Arts, February 26, 2002
Lay, Frances I.
School of Nursing, May 7, 1959
Le Vander, Harold
Law School/Alumni Association, June 4, 1974
Leach, Edward P.
Institute of Technology, October 14, 1966
Leaf, Alexander
Law School, September 17, 1964
Leahy, Dorothy Margaret
College of Human Ecology/Alumni Association, May 15, 1965
Learmonth, James R.
Law School, September 17, 1964
Lebedoff, David M.
College of Liberal Arts, June 9, 1991
Lee, Jeanette A.
College of Agriculture, April 18, 1970
Lee, Ki-Suk
System Academic Administration, December 2, 1996
Lee, Kuo-Hsiung
College of Pharmacy, October 4, 1999
Leitzow, Herman Wilhelm
College of Pharmacy, May 25, 1961
Levi, Werner
College of Liberal Arts/Political Science, September 24, 1985
Lewis, Jr., Charles J.
Forestry, October 23, 1953
Lewis, Earl
Graduate School, December 10, 2001
Lewis, Herbert L.
College of Liberal Arts, April 19, 1951
Li, Lawrence Yung-Lu
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, August 18, 1988
Lidstad, Richard A.
Carlson School of Management, October 7, 1998
Lighter, Willard C.
School of Business, December 4, 1958
Likins, Vera J.
School of Business, June 13, 1976
Lillehei, C. Walton
Medical School, April 19, 1991
Lind, Melva
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, June 4, 1974
Lindahl, John E.
Carlson School of Management/President's Office, August 9, 2010
Lindahl, Nancy M.
College of Education and Human Development, October 4, 2001
Lindeman, Carol A.
School of Nursing, May 11, 1984
Lindgren, Ralph Melvin
Forestry, January 14, 1953
Lindquist, Kelley
College of Liberal Arts, October 27, 2022
Lindquist, Leonard E.
Law School, October 16, 2003
Lindsay, Richard Clark
Military, May 17, 1951
Ling, Joseph T.
Institute of Technology, November 12, 1982
Ling, Lee
College of Agriculture, September 23, 1971
Lingane, James J.
Institute of Technology, December 3, 1959
Lippincott, Gertrude
College of Education, June 14, 1982
Litman, Scott
Carlson School of Management, September 9, 2015
Litterman, Robert
College of Liberal Arts, November 1, 2021
Liu, Zhanjiang
College of Biological Sciences, May 14, 2022
Loban, Walter D.
College of Education, April 23, 1970
Lobitz, Jr., Walter C.
Law School, September 17, 1964
Loevinger, Lee
Law School, June 7, 1968
Lommen, Georgina L.
College of Education, May 24, 1951
Lovelace, II, W. Randolph
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Lovering, Thomas S.
Institute of Technology, October 7, 1960
Low, Donald G.
College of Veterinary Medicine, May 16, 2001
Lucas, Peggy
College of Liberal Arts, October 19, 2001
Luh, Johnson Y.S.
Institute of Technology, September 27, 2002
Lund, Lois A.
College of Agriculture/Alumni Association, November 12, 1977
Lundberg, George A.
College of Liberal Arts, April 19, 1951
Lundberg, Walter O.
Hormel Institute, September 9, 1976
Lundgren, Thomas S.
Institute of Technology, November 2, 2006
Lundstrom, Mark S.
College of Science and Engineering, November 7, 2013
Luse, Sarah A.
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Lynch, Daniel F.
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Lyon, Harold Lloyd
College of Liberal Arts, April 19, 1951
Lyons, Robert E.
College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences, Semptember 3, 2008
Mace, Myles LaGrange
Carlson School of Management, November 2, 1967
Mackall, Henry Clinton
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, June 1, 1965
MacKenzie, Walter C.
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Mackay, Harvey B.
Alumni Association, October 2, 2008
MacLaughlin, Harry H.
Law School, May 13, 1995
Maclean, Malcolm S.
College of Education, April 17, 1968
Madison, Thomas F.
College of Science and Engineering, October 19, 2010
Magnuson, John J.
College of Natural Resources, April 24, 2003
Maine, Lucinda L.
College of Pharmacy, June 8, 1998
Maki, T. Ewald
Forestry, November 9, 1978
Malah, David
College of Science and Engineering, September 8, 2011
Mallin, Daniel W.
Carlson School of Management, September 9, 2015
Manasse, Jr., Henri R.
College of Pharmacy, November 20, 1998
Mangelsdorf, Sarah C.
College of Education and Human Development, October 6, 2022
Manthey, Marie
School of Nursing, April 19, 2022
Marshall, Frank F.
College of Agriculture, January 14, 1953
Marshall, Roy E.
College of Agriculture, May 5, 1962
Martell, Jr., Michael J.
College of Pharmacy, May 27, 1976
Martin, Michael V.
College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences, September 25, 2015
Martini, Allan V.
College of Science and Engineering, October 10, 2011
Marvin, William S
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, June 7, 1992
Mason, Eldon W.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 31, 1967
Matalamaki, Margaret
College of Human Ecology, June 3, 1989
Matthews, Mary L.
College of Agriculture, May 25, 1951
Maun, Joseph A.
Law School/Alumni Association, October 22, 1971
Maxwell, John C.
Institute of Technology, November 12, 1972
McAvoy, Leo
College of Education and Human Development, July 31, 2017
McCallum, William Wallace
School of Business, December 4, 1958
McCarthy, Agnes
College of Education, May 24, 1951
McCarthy, Eugene Joseph
College of Education/Alumni Association, June 7, 1966
McClure, Donald S.
Institute of Technology, June 2, 1972
McCreery, Otis Clair
College of Agriculture, May 7, 1960
McCullough, Margaret W.
Medical School, May 22, 1963
McDonald, Frank B.
Institute of Technology, June 6, 1986
McDonald, Malcolm S.
Carlson School of Management, June 12, 2000
McDonald, Robert E.
Institute of Technology, October 27, 1966
McFarland, Keith N.
College of Human Ecology/College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, May 26, 1998
McFarland, Mary Ellen
College of College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics, March 3, 1977
McGovern, John Francis
Law School/Alumni Association, May 22, 1953
McGuire, John R.
Forestry, March 3, 1973
McIntyre, Dorothy E.
College of Education and Human Development, November 19, 2003
McIver, Pearl L.
School of Nursing, October 8, 1951
McKay, Gerald R.
College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, April 28, 2001
McKay, Sandra
College of Liberal Arts, October 20, 2004
McKenna, Robert W.
Medical School, May 12, 2000
McKinlay, Kathryn Thorbus
College of Liberal Arts, November 30, 1967
McMillan, Franklin R.
Institute of Technology, October 5, 1950
McNamara, Richard "Pinky"
College of Liberal Arts, June 15, 1997
McNaughtan, Edith L.
College of Education, May 24, 1951
McNaughton, Russell J.
Institute of Technology, June 5, 2001
McNerney, Walter J.
School of Public Health, January 23, 1970
Melby, Ernest O.
College of Education, May 24, 1951
Merritt, Phillip L.
Institute of Technology, November 30, 1956
Metzen, David R.
College of Education and Human Development, June 19, 2017
Meyer, Helen
College of Education and Human Development, October 25, 2017
Micheels, William Jordan
College of Education, April 30, 1965
Michelson, Henry Ernest
Medical School, September 26, 1960
Michie, James K.
College of Education, March 28, 1961
Middleton, John K.
College of Pharmacy, June 15, 2010
Milgrom, Albert
College of Liberal Arts, June 12, 1988
Miller, Carl Stinson
Institute of Technology, November 17, 1967
Miller, Doris I.
School of Nursing/Alumni Association, May 7, 1973
Miller, Elizabeth C.
College of Biological Sciences, September 15, 1973
Miller, Jr., Oscar
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, May 13, 1994
Miller, Vernon X.
Law School, June 11, 1965
Mindrum, Norman C.
College of Agriculture, October 12, 1970
Mintener, Bradshaw
Law School/Alumni Association, May 25, 1951
Mitchell, Gerald M.
Carlson School of Management, February 5, 1996
Mitchell, William Dewitt
Law School, April 30, 1951
Mithun, Raymond O.
College of Liberal Arts, June 5, 1961
Moe, Gordon K.
Medical School, September 29, 1958
Moin, Parviz
Institute of Technology, May 9, 2008
Molitor, Paul
President's Office/Intercollegiate Athletics, May 17, 2005
Mollison, Richard D.
Institute of Technology, November 6, 1981
Mona, David L.
College of Liberal Arts, June 2, 2008
Mona, Linda Brekke
College of Human Ecology, May 2, 1996
Monat, William R.
College of Liberal Arts/Political Science, June 12, 1981
Mondale, Walter F.
Law School, June 12, 1970
Montag, Mildred
School of Nursing, May 7, 1959
Moore, Dave
General College/Alumni Association, April 6, 1973
Moore, Anne J.
School of Nursing, April 20, 1981
Moorhead, John A.
Institute of Technology/Alumni Association, June 1, 1964
Moorhead, John K.
Institute of Technology, April 30, 2003
Mooty, John W.
Law School, May 12, 1990
Morgan, George Wagner
College of Liberal Arts, April 19, 1951
Morris, Harold P.
College of Biological Sciences, January 29, 1970
Morrison, John
Carlson School of Management, February 8, 2007
Morse, Wayne L.
Law School, February 26, 1959
Moseman, Albert H.
College of Agriculture/Alumni Association, February 27, 1958
Motley, Arthur H.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 23, 1952
Moudry, Frank W.
College of Pharmacy, October 18, 1951
Mowry, Barbara J.
Carlson School of Management, November 9, 2014
Moyle, Clarence Llewellyn
Institute of Technology, November 17, 1967
Munn, Clarence L.
College of Education/Alumni Association, June 5, 1957
Munson, Robert D.
College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, April 23, 2001
Murphy, Diana E.
College of Liberal Arts/Law School/Alumni Association, June 6, 1983
Murphy, Marion I.
School of Nursing, June 4, 1970
Murray, Leonard H.
Law School/Alumni Association, October 22, 1971
Musburger, Lloyd E.
School of Dentistry, October 5, 1962
Myers, J. Arthur
Medical School, September 28, 1959
Myers, Will M.
College of Agriculture, May 25, 1951
Nahm, Helen
College of Education, April 30, 1968
Naka, F. Robert
Institute of Technology, October 15, 2004
Nanne, Louis V.
Carlson School of Management/President's Office, October 14, 2008
Nash, Bernard E.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, June 4, 1975
Nath, Mahendra
College of Science and Engineering, November 2, 2012
Naugle, John E.
Institute of Technology, November 5, 1976
Nelsen, Robert J.
School of Dentistry, November 19, 1976
Nelson, Carl L.
School of Business, November 15, 1978
Nelson, Charles
School of Dentistry, February 17, 1951
Nelson, Glen D.
Medical School, April 30, 2008
Nelson, Harold L.
College of Liberal Arts, May 18, 1973
Nelson, Russell A.
Medical School/Medicine, September 24, 1971
Nelson, Wallace W.
College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, May 18, 2001
Neumeier, Karl G.
College of Liberal Arts, May 25, 1961
Newell, Frank W.
Medical School, June 6, 1975
Newlin, Owen J.
College of Agricultural, Food, Environmental Sciences, November 29, 1995
Newton, Margaret
Plant Pathology, February 24, 1956
Ney, Edward P.
Institute of Technology, June 5, 1992
Nichols, Pamela J.
Carlson School of Management, November 11, 1997
Nickerson, James
College of Education, April 30, 1968
Nielsen, S. Suzanne
College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, October 26, 2001
Nilsen, William O.
College of Education, June 4, 1968
Noble, Robert J.
College of Agriculture, May 25, 1951
Nolte, Robert E.
Alumni Association, June 3, 1982
Nomura, K. Carl
Institute of Technology, October 4, 1988
Noreen, Roger F.
Law School, May 9, 1992
Norrgard, Phillip
University of Minnesota Duluth, March 20, 2017
Norris, Michele L.
College of Liberal Arts, April 17, 2006
Northey, Elmore Hathaway
Institute of Technology, September 14, 1955
Nye, Katherine Ann
Medical School/Alumni Association, October 21, 1964
Nye, Lillian Lydia
Medical School/Alumni Association, October 21, 1964
O'Keefe, Daniel E.
Social Work, December 4, 1970
O'Koren, Marie L.
School of Nursing, April 21, 1982
O'Neill, Joseph T.
Law School, April 27, 2006
O'Shields, William
College of Education/Alumni Association, June 3, 1969
Odegard, Robert J.
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, October 14, 1992
Oestreich, Dean C.
College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences, September 18, 2008
Ogren, Kenneth E.
College of Agriculture, April 18, 1970
Ohh, Bong Kug
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, March 1, 1991
Oliver, Richard C.
School of Dentistry, September 28, 2012
Olseth, Dale R.
Carlson School of Management, April 29, 2002
Olson, Elden H.
Institute of Technology, October 24, 1969
Olson, Merle S.
Medical School/College of Biological Sciences, May 7, 2004
Olson, Pamela F.
Law School, May 11, 2002
Olson, Stanley W.
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Olson, Willard C.
College of Education, May 24, 1951
Oppenheimer, William H.
Law School, June 14, 1957
Opperman, Vance K.
Law School, May 10, 1997
Orendain, Juan C.
Alumni Association, February 11, 1966
Osberg, Brian J.
School of Public Health, May 5, 2016
Osborne, Charles M.
Carlson School of Management, September 24, 2009
Otis, James C.
Law School, June 14, 1974
Ottenstroer, Duane
Carlson School of Management, June 9, 1996
Otto, Henry J.
College of Education, May 24, 1951
Owens, Evalyn Bergstrand
College of Human Ecology and Home Economics, May 25, 1956
Paddock, Bruce
College of Pharmacy, August 19, 2011
Painter, Carl W.
Law School, June 10, 1949
Palmer, Allison R.
Institute of Technology, May 21, 1999
Papez, James W.
Medical School, February 28, 1957
Papike, James J.
Institute of Technology, May 21, 1999
Pariser, Rudolph
Institute of Technology, November 5, 1976
Park, Jr., Charles F.
Institute of Technology, November 12, 1972
Park, Won-Hoon
System Academic Administration, December 3, 1996
Parker, Leonard S.
College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, May 14, 2005
Parr, Robert G.
Institute of Technology, November 1, 1968
Parshall, George W.
Institute of Technology, October 7, 1985
Patterson, Gerald R.
College of Education and Human Development, November 12, 1998
Paul, Pauline C.
College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics, March 30, 1978
Paulus, Stephen
College of Liberal Arts, June 9, 1991
Pearce, William R.
Law School/Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, September 22, 2005
Pearson, P. David
College of Education and Human Development, May 5, 2006
Peck, Francis W.
College of Agriculture, May 25, 1951
Pedersen, Einar
School of Public Health, June 9, 1982
Pedersen, William
College of Design, November 19, 2008
Penniman, Clara
Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs/Alumni Association, October 2, 1976
Pennock, George T.
Carlson School of Management/Alumni Association, June 4, 1975
Perkins, James E.
October 8, 1951
Perlman, Helen Harris
College of Education, October 17, 1967
Perng, Paul Fai-nan
College of Liberal Arts, July 3, 2000
Pesek, Cyril P.
Institute of Technology, December 1, 1960
Peterson, Bradley M.
College of Science and Engineering, October 6, 2016
Peterson, James
Institute of Technology, February 20, 1996
Peterson, Lloyd H.
College of Veterinary Medicine, February 21, 1985
Peterson, Theodore
College of Liberal Arts, May 15, 1973
Phelps, Thomas W.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 25, 1956
Philip, Cornelius Becker
College of Agriculture, June 4, 1960
Phinney, Bernard O.
College of Biological Sciences, June 2, 1987
Pianta, Robert C.
College of Education and Human Development, October 7, 2016
Piccard, Jeanette
College of Education/Alumni Association, October 9, 1968
Piercy, George T.
Institute of Technology/Alumni Association, June 6, 1979
Pillsbury, John S.
Law School/Alumni Association, May 24, 1951
Pillsbury, Jr., John S.
Law School, June 10, 1966
Pirsig, Maynard E.
Law School, May 11, 1985
Pirsig, Robert M.
College of Liberal Arts, April 25, 1975
Pitel, Martha
School of Nursing, May 3, 1972
Pitiyanuwat, Somwung
College of Education and Human Development, November 15, 2004
Platou, Carl N.
Carlson School of Management, November 24, 1998
Pletcher, Carol H.
College of Biological Sciences, October 2, 2003
Poole, Arthur B.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, June 6, 1960
Poss, Peter E.
College of Veterinary Medicine, October 28, 2015
Potter, Edith L.
Medical School/Alumni Association, October 8, 1951
Powell, Oliver S.
School of Business, May 25, 1951
Powers, Samuel R.
College of Education, May 24, 1951
Pratt, Harold W.
College of Pharmacy, May 21, 1969
Prendergast, Franklyn G.
College of Biological Sciences, May 18, 2002
Pritchard, William R.
College of Veterinary Medicine, May 7, 1976
Prosser, William Lloyd
Law School, April 29, 1955
Pruitt, Raymond D.
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Pu, Chih-lung
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, September 12, 1980
Pulido, Mark A.
College of Pharmacy, September 22, 2000
Putnam, Frank W.
College of Biological Sciences, May 3, 1974
Putt, Eric D.
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, September 26, 1988
Quinn, William J.
Law School, June 9, 1961
Quisenberry, Karl S.
College of Agriculture, April 18, 1970
Radke-Yarrow, Marian
Child Development, June 9, 1982
Rall, Joseph E.
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Rasmussen, Theodore
Medical School, September 29, 1958
Ray, John H.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 25, 1956
Ray, Philip L.
School of Business, December 4, 1958
Reasoner, Harry
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 22, 1970
Reck, Ruth A.
Institute of Technology, October 4, 1988
Redman, Barbara K.
School of Nursing, April 7, 1990
Reeve, William David
College of Education, March 31, 1953
Reichert, Kurt
College of Human Ecology, October 19, 1965
Reid, John M.
College of Science and Engineering, October 19, 2010
Reid, Thomas S.
College of Biological Sciences, June 13, 1998
Rekow, E. Dianne
School of Dentistry, October 15, 2015
Renfrew, Malcolm M.
Institute of Technology, November 4, 1977
Reynolds, Maynard C.
College of Education and Human Development, August 17, 2004
Rhame, Paul W.
Institute of Technology, October 5, 1950
Rice, Walter L.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 14, 1954
Rich, Daniel H.
Institute of Technology, May 7, 2004
Richard, Bruce A.
Carlson School of Management/Institute of Technology, September 24, 2009
Richardson, Jr., Ralph W.
College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics, March 24, 1971
Rieke, Reuben Dennis
Institute of Technology, May 4, 2001
Rieman, Cedric H.
Institute of Technology, October 14, 1966
Rigler, Leo G.
Medical School, June 10, 1960
Rinerson, Darrell
Institute of Technology, September 23, 2005
Roach, John R.
College of Education, April 20, 1976
Robbins, Orem O.
Carlson School of Management, May 17, 2001
Roberts, Charles
College of Liberal Arts, May 21, 1985
Roberts, Doris E.
School of Public Health, June 11, 1983
Roberts, Jeanette C.
College of Pharmacy, May 23, 2014
Robertson, Albert J.
College of Liberal Arts, November 17, 1966
Robertson, David Wield
Agronomy and Plant Genetics, March 14, 1957
Robins, Solly
Law School, May 9, 1998
Robison, James E.
School of Business, November 19, 1974
Robles-Gutierrez, Leonel H.
College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics, February 23, 1974
Rockstein, Morris
College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics, March 3, 1977
Roddis, Louis H.
Medical School, June 14, 1957
Rodenhiser, Herman Alonzo
College of Agriculture, January 14, 1953
Rodert, Lewis A.
Institute of Technology, October 15, 1954
Rodrigues, Bichat
Medical School, December 5, 1968
Rogers, Charles Herbert
College of Pharmacy, May 27, 1959
Rorke-Adams, Lucy Balian
Medical School, November 1, 2017
Rosendahl, Carl Otto
College of Liberal Arts, April 19, 1951
Rosene, Robert W.
Institute of Technology, November 15, 2007
Rosenow, Jr., Edward C.
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Rowan, Carl T.
College of Liberal Arts, October 19, 1961
Rowe, Jack F.
Institute of Technology, October 17, 1986
Rowell, Theodore Herman
College of Pharmacy, May 26, 1960
Rubbert, Paul E.
Institute of Technology, February 4, 1995
Rudolph, Charles E.
School of Dentistry, November 4, 1960
Rulon, Phillip J.
College of Education, June 26, 1963
Rumy, Zsolt
College of Science and Engineering, June 22, 2019
Rusch, Thomas W.
College of Science and Engineering, October 29, 2015
Rushmer, Robert F.
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Russell, George
Carlson School of Management/Alumni Association, May 20, 1955
Rutford, Robert H.
Institute of Technology, May 6, 1993
Ruud, Millard H.
Law School, June 13, 1980
Ruvelson, Alan K.
Carlson School of Management, June 21, 2001
Sahlstrom, Stanley D.
College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, June 8, 1997
Salisbury, Harrison Evans
College of Liberal Arts, January 20, 1955
Sampson, Curtis A.
Carlson School of Management, February 5, 1996
Sanborn, John B.
Medical School/Alumni Association, May 25, 1956
Sandor, Richard L.
College of Liberal Arts, October 18, 2001
Sands, A. William
Carlson School of Management, September 30, 2010
Sands, Susan J.
Carlson School of Management, September 30, 2010
Sanford, T. Denny
College of Liberal Arts, October 26, 2012
Saunders, Philip "Flip"
Carlson School of Management, March 21, 2007
Scammon, Richard M.
College of Liberal Arts, November 21, 1963
Scandrett, Henry A.
Law School/Alumni Association, May 23, 1952
Schaffer, Erwin M.
School of Dentistry, April 25, 2008
Schantz-Hansen, Thorvald
College of Agriculture, April 24, 1965
Scheie, Harold G.
Medical School, September 23, 1968
Schneider, Gary S.
College of Pharmacy, October 11, 2022
Schoelkopf, Harold
Alumni Association, May 25, 1951
Schoenwetter, L. James
Carlson School of Management, June 16, 2000
Schonstedt, Erick A.
Institute of Technology, June 2, 1989
Schott, Oscar A.
Institute of Technology, May 31, 1996
Schroeder, Carolyn
School of Nursing, June 10, 2001
Schroeder, Clinton A.
Law School, May 22, 2002
Schroeder, Patricia S.
College of Liberal Arts, June 14, 1987
Schultz, Arthur B.
Carlson School of Management, September 30, 2010
Schutte, Clarence H.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, June 1, 1966
Schwartz, Samuel
Medical School, June 5, 1998
Schweickhard, Dean M.
College of Education, May 24, 1951
Scott, Gordon H.
Medical Sciences, June 13, 1958
Scribner, Belding H.
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Sears, William Rees
Institute of Technology, October 5, 1950
Seed, Fred M.
Carlson School of Management/Alumni Association, June 4, 1975
Seeley, Sam F.
Medical School/Alumni Association, June 2, 1970
Seidel, Glenn E.
Institute of Technology/Alumni Association, February 27, 1958
Selke, George
College of Education, March 28, 1956
Selvig, Conrad G.
College of Agriculture, May 8, 1953
Senkler, Robert L.
University of Minnesota Duluth/Carlson School of Management, September 24, 2015
Sevareid, Eric
College of Liberal Arts, February 4, 1955
Sewell, William Hamilton
College of Liberal Arts, April 27, 1972
Shannon, James P.
College of Liberal Arts, October 24, 1960
Shapiro, Irving S.
Institute of Technology/Alumni Association, June 4, 1975
Shapiro, Morse J.
Medical School, June 10, 1955
Sharp, Paul Francis
College of Agriculture, May 25, 1951
Sharp, Paul F.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, June 4, 1975
Shellenberger, John Alfred
College of Agriculture, April 23, 196
Shepard, George Milson
Institute of Technology, October 5, 1950
Shepard, Vard Morton
College of Agriculture, May 2, 1963
Shepard, William P.
College of Education, October 8, 1951
Shepherd, William G.
Institute of Technology, October 26, 1979
Sheran, Robert J.
Law School, June 10, 1977
Sherburne, Jane C.
College of Education and Human Development, May 28, 2015
Sherman, George D.
College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics, March 18, 1972
Shih, Stone Yung-Kwe
College of Liberal Arts, October 1, 1995
Shockley, Brett A.
Institute of Technology, April 2, 2008
Shreeve, Jean'ne M.
Institute of Technology/Medical School/Alumni Association, October 11, 1975
Shugg, Helen Clapesattle
College of Liberal Arts, April 25, 1958
Shuman, Ruth M.
College of Biological Sciences, May 18, 2002
Shumway, Norman E.
Medical School, June 7, 1985
Sibley, Mulford Q.
College of Liberal Arts, June 5, 1982
Silha, Otto A.
College of Liberal Arts, May 17, 1974
Silverthorn, Merwin H.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 25, 1956
Sim, Wilma M.
College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics, February 23, 1974
Simenson, Steven T.
College of Pharmacy, June 28, 2017
Simonett, John E.
Law School, May 14, 1994
Simons, Edwin J.
Medical School, June 8, 1956
Siperstein, Marvin D.
Medical School, June 6, 1997
Sjoberg, Sigurd A.
Institute of Technology/Alumni Association, June 5, 1973
Skok, Richard A.
College of Natural Resources, March 10, 1999
Slayton, Donald K.
Institute of Technology/Alumni Association, June 4, 1977
Smalley, Ruth E.
College of Liberal Arts, October 19, 1961
Smight, Jack
College of Liberal Arts, June 3, 1977
Smith, Bryan E.
School of Business, October 2, 1962
Smith, Dora V.
College of Education, June 28, 1961
Smith, George Baxter
College of Education, May 15, 1958
Smith, Homer J.
College of Education, March 28, 1956
Smith, Kathryn
School of Nursing, April 30, 1969
Smith, T. Lynn
College of Liberal Arts, May 6, 1959
Snell, Albert M.
Medical School, October 8, 1951
Sommers, Charles Leissring
School of Business, May 24, 1951
Sondergaard, Gale
College of Liberal Arts, February 1, 1968
Soper, Quentin F.
Institute of Technology, November 4, 1977
Spannaus, Warren R.
Law School/Carlson School of Management/Alumni Association, April 1, 1977
Speers, Jr., Charles R.
School of Business, November 16, 1960
Spellman, Mitchell W.
Medical School, June 1, 1979
Sperling, Eugene B.
College of Liberal Arts, May 14, 2000
Sperry, Leonard B.
Institute of Technology, October 5, 1950
Spiegel, Maurice L.
College of Pharmacy, June 28, 1996
Spika, Eugene W.
School of Business, June 13, 1976
Spillane, Leo J.
Institute of Technology, November 14, 1980
Spivak, Walter A.
Institute of Technology, October 15, 1954
Sprenger, Gordon M.
Carlson School of Management, November 24, 1998
Sprouse, Robert T.
Carlson School of Management, October 24, 1997
Srisa-an, Wichit
College of Education, May 6, 1986
Staats, Elmer Boyd
College of Liberal Arts, October 22, 1964
Stafne, Edward C.
School of Dentistry, October 4, 1963
Stansby, Maurice E.
Institute of Technology/Alumni Association, June 5, 1973
Stansfield, Arlene L.
College of Human Ecology, June 4, 1987
Stapp, John Paul
Medical School, June 13, 1958
Starr, Helen M.
College of Education, April 3, 1964
Stassen, Harold Edward
Law School/Alumni Association, May 19, 1950
Stauffacher, Edward L.
Institute of Technology, August 2, 1962
Stead, William H.
School of Business, May 25, 1951
Steen, Melvin C.
Law School, June 14, 1975
Steinke, William M.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 22, 1963
Stenger, Vernon A.
Institute of Technology, November 7, 1975
Stevenson, John A.
Agricultural, Forestry, and Home Economics, March 1, 1975
Stewart, Homer Joseph
Institute of Technology, October 15, 1954
Stinson, Shirley M.
School of Nursing, May 11, 1984
Stodola, Frank H.
Institute of Technology, October 4, 1957
Stokes, Carl B.
Law School, June 11, 1971
Stout, William Bushnell
Institute of Technology/Alumni Association, June 10, 1949
Stowe, Lewis Riddell
School of Dentistry, February 17, 1951
Strand, August L.
College of Agriculture, May 25, 1951
Strong, George F.
Medical School, June 10, 1955
Stuart, Donald M.
Institute of Technology, November 1, 1974
Stumpf, John G.
Carlson School of Management, September 22, 2011
Sukawaty, Andrew
Carlson School of Management, October 14, 2015
Sullivan, Betty
Institute of Technology, January 14, 1953
Sundberg, Richard Jay
Institute of Technology, October 19, 2001
Sundet, Leland N.
Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Science, September 11, 2001
Susag, Russell H.
Institute of Technology, May 4, 2007
Sveen, Donald E.
Carlson School of Management, May 24, 2007
Sverdrup, Leif John
Institute of Technology, October 5, 1950
Swain, Thomas H.
Carlson School of Management/Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, May 6, 2008
Swanberg, John H.
Institute of Technology, November 5, 1971
Swanberg, William A.
College of Liberal Arts, July 15, 1992
Swanson, Gustav A.
College of Natural Resources, October 26, 1989
Swanson, Neil H.
College of Liberal Arts, April 19, 1951
Swanson, Pearl Pauline
College of Agriculture, May 25, 1951
Swanson, Walter H.
College of Agriculture, July 31, 1959
Swearingen, Lloyd Edward
Institute of Technology, September 14, 1955
Sweatt, Harold W.
Alumni Association, May 23, 1952
Swenson, Esther J.
College of Education, March 28, 1956
Swenson, James I.
University of Minnesota-Duluth/Chancellor's Office, August 29, 2002
Swenson, Stanley P.
College of Agriculture, September 15, 1974
Swensrud, Sidney A.
School of Business, May 25, 1951
Swinyard, Ewart A.
Medical School, June 1, 1984
Syvertson, Clarence A.
Institute of Technology, November 12, 1982
Taeuber, Conrad
College of Liberal Arts, April 19, 1951
Taeuber, Irene Barnes
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 7, 1966
Talley, John J.
Institute of Technology, May 3, 2002
Tenenbaum, Michael
Institute of Technology, October 14, 1966
Tessman, Eldon A.
College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, April 21, 2003
Thelander, Hulda
Medical School/Alumni Association, September 6, 1983
Theofanous, Theofanis G.
Institute of Technology, September 10, 2004
Thomas, John F.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 20, 1978
Thomas, Leo J. "Jack"
Institute of Technology, May 6, 2005
Thompson, Marvin R.
College of Pharmacy, October 18, 1951
Thomas, Norrie A.
College of Pharmacy, May 16, 2013
Thornton, Eileen
Library School, September 20, 1969
Tiede, John W.
School of Dentistry, November 21, 1980
Timm, Gerald W.
Institute of Technology, September 27, 2002
Titon, Jeff Todd
College of Liberal Arts, October 17, 2017
Tjosvold, Mary M.
College of Education and Human Development, November 19, 2003
Tollefson, Everett H.
Institute of Technology, October 14, 1966
Tomash, Erwin
Institute of Technology, November 14, 1980
Torell, Bruce N.
Institute of Technology, November 2, 1973
Trelogan, Harry C.
College of Agriculture, April 18, 1964
Trestman, Frank D.
Carlson School of Management, May 18, 2005
Troyer, A. Forrest
College of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, April 20, 1998
Trueblood, Robert M.
School of Business, October 10, 1963
Tsiang, Yien-Si
College of Agriculture, June 12, 1962
Tsividis, Yannis
College of Science and Engineering, April 25, 2013
Tsui, Anne S.
Carlson School of Management/UMD College of Liberal Arts, October 24, 2014
Tucker, Shirley C.
College of Biological Sciences, September 28, 1999
Tunheim, John R.
Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs/Law School, November 15, 2010
Tuohy, Edward L.
Medical School, October 8, 1951
Turner, John E.
College of Liberal Arts/Political Science, April 27, 2003
Turpie, Mary C.
College of Liberal Arts, December 7, 1985
Tuttle, Emily Anne
College of Liberal Arts, November 3, 2011
Tuve, George L.
Institute of Technology, December 3, 1959
Tuve, Merle Anthony
Institute of Technology, October 5, 1950
Tyler, Leona Elizabeth
College of Education, September 21, 1963
Ueland, Arnulf
Alumni Association, May 23, 1952
Ullyot, Glenn E.
Institute of Technology, November 7, 1975
Ulrich, Robert J.
College of Liberal Arts, September 16, 2009
Umstattd, James Greenleaf
College of Education, March 31, 1953
Untereker, Darrel F.
College of Science and Engineering, November 7, 2013
Uphoff, Norman T.
College of Liberal Arts, October 28, 2002
Vail, Gladys E.
College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics, March 1, 1975
Van Dyke, William G.
Carlson School of Management, September 22, 2011
Van Slyke
Cassius James School of Public Health, September 22, 1952
Van Volkenburg, Jack L.
School of Business, February 28, 1957
Vanstrum, Paul Ross
Institute of Technology, November 11, 1966
Voldebring, Paul
Medical School, June 3, 1994
Volwiler, Wade
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Vosbeck, R. Randall
College of Design, September 22, 2008
Voss, Ralph J.
School of Business, November 20, 1973
Walker, Hudson Dean
College of Liberal Arts, November 4, 1965
Wall, Frederick T.
Institute of Technology, June 11, 1959
Wallace, John A.
College of Human Ecology, October 15, 1968
Wallace, Lee
Humphrey School of Public Affairs, May 25, 2022
Wallace, Thomas F.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, May 25, 1951
Waller, Coy Webster
College of Pharmacy, May 27, 1959
Wallin, Winston R.
Carlson School of Management, June 14, 1992
Wallis, W. Allen
College of Liberal Arts, April 30, 1970
Walls, James Milton
School of Dentistry, February 17, 1951
Walls, Milton Guernsey
School of Dentistry, October 8, 1965
Walter, H. William
Carlson School of Management, September 10, 2015
Wangaard, Frederick F.
College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics, March 1, 1975
Wangberg, Larry
Institute of Technology, April 24, 2002
Ward, John W.
College of Liberal Arts, April 26, 1973
Warner, Homer R.
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Wartella, Ellen A.
College of Liberal Arts, April 9, 2015
Watson, James A.
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, June 8, 1971
Wawzonek, Stanley
Institute of Technology, November 7, 1975
Weber, Eugene W.
Institute of Technology, October 26, 1979
Weekes, Steven E.
College of Natural Resources, April 24, 2003
Weidner, Edward W.
College of Liberal Arts, June 13, 1975
Weinberg, Richard A.
College of Education and Human Development, November 17, 2022
Weiss, Malcolm P.
Institute of Technology, September 20, 2001
Welch, C. Stuart
Medical School, September 17, 1964
Wells, Linda
College of Education and Human Development/President's Office, September 27, 2010
Werner, Frank D.
Institute of Technology, November 6, 1970
West, Levon
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, February 26, 1959
Westbee, Robert
Institute of Technology, November 7, 1975
Wetzel, Wilfred W.
Institute of Technology, December 5, 1963
Wheeler, Walter H.
Institute of Technology/Alumni Association, May 23, 1952
White, Allen I.
College of Pharmacy, May 4, 1985
White, William J.
College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, November 6, 1986
Wilbur, Dwight L.
Medical School, September 17, 1964>
Wilkins, Roy
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, June 26, 1960
Wilkinson, Charles B.
University College/Alumni Association, November 8, 1968
Will, William Wallace
June 11, 1948
Williams, Emmet David
College of Education, March 28, 1961
Williams, Paul D.
Humphrey School of Public Affairs, February 2, 2017
Wilson, Archie Dell
College of Agriculture, May 25, 1951
Wilson, Chester Sawyer
Law School/Alumni Association, June 6, 1967
Wilson, Halsey William
College of Liberal Arts/Alumni Association, June 11, 1948
Winfield, David M.
Alumni Association, June 9, 2001
Winter, Thomas C.
Institute of Technology, October 30, 2003
Winton, Penny Rand
College of Liberal Arts/Weisman Art Museum, September 10, 2002
Woltman, Henry W.
Medical School, September 30, 1957
Wong, Jee Lum
School of Dentistry, October 23, 1959
Wong, Margaret M.
China Center and Confucius Institute in the Global Programs and Strategy Alliance, June 29, 2017
Wong, Simon
College of Liberal Arts, November 4, 2009
Wood, Earl H.
Medical School, June 7, 1991
Wood, Harold E.
School of Business, November 19, 1959
Wood, Mildred Weigley
College of Agriculture, May 25, 1951
Woodward, Robert F.
College of Liberal Arts, May 24, 1963
Worthington, Robert M.
College of Education/Alumni Association, May 5, 1975
Wortman, Sterling
College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Home Economics, March 1, 1975
Wright, Donald
Carlson School of Management, November 2, 1999
Wright, James W.
School of Public Health, October 15, 1974
Wright, Louise L.
College of Liberal Arts, April 19, 1951
Wright, Michael W.
Law School, April 29, 1999
Wyer, Malcolm Glenn
Libraries, May 24, 1951
Xu, Guanren
College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, October 3, 1986
Yau, Leo
Institute of Technology, September 28, 2001
Yore, Larry Dean
College of Education and Human Development, May 22, 2013
Young, Charlotte M.
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, May 9, 1959
Young, Jr., Whitney M.
College of Liberal Arts, October 24, 1960
Youngdahl, Luther W.
Law School/Alumni Association, June 5, 1962
Yutzy, Henry Clay
Institute of Technology, September 14, 1955
Zelle, Edgar F.
Institute of Technology/Alumni Association, May 25, 1951
Zhang, Zhao "Alex"
System Academic Administration, October 30, 2004
Ziegfeld, Edwin
College of Education, March 28, 1956
Zieve, Leslie
Medical School, June 4, 1993
Zivnuska, John A.
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, April 18, 1970
Zumberge, James H.
Institute of Technology, November 12, 1972