Honorary Namings, Renamings, Indefinite Retentions, and Revocations of Building Names

June 2023 Update on the Honorary Renamings and Indefinite Retention of Building Names

In accordance with the Board of Regents Policy: Namings and Renamings, the process to retain or rename four University of Minnesota buildings was begun during the 2022-23 academic year. As the work progressed, it became increasingly apparent that there are aspects of this process which may benefit from additional review before moving forward.

With the announcement of President Gabel’s resignation and subsequent appointment of Interim President Jeffrey Ettinger, the decision was made, in consultation with the Office of the President, the Board of Regents staff, and the Office of General Counsel, to pause this process until further notice.

Please note, the following processes will continue as usual:

  • Nominations for namings (for buildings not currently named) will continue to be accepted under the procedures listed on the Honorary Namings webpage. 
  • Requests for revocations of namings (to revoke a naming) will continue to be accepted under the procedures listed on the Revocation of Honorific Namings webpage.

Questions regarding any aspect of these processes may be directed to Laurie Cooper Stoll, director, University Awards and Honors at [email protected] or 612-625-4805.