List of college/school award pages available as of December 2024
College of Education and Human Development
- Faculty:
- Staff:
- Civil Service/Bargaining Unit Operational Excellence Award
- Distinguished Teaching Award (P&A only)
- Excellence in Academic Advising
- Excellence in Research Award (P&A only)
- Jeanne T. Lupton Civil Service/Bargaining Unit Outstanding Service Award
- New Career Excellence Award (P&A only)
- Outstanding P&A Achievement Award
- Students:
- Alumni Awards:
College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences
- Faculty:
- Distinguished Faculty Teaching Awards: Undergraduate
- Distinguished Faculty Teaching Awards: Graduate
- Distinguished Diversity and Inclusion Award
- Distinguished Extension/Outreach Award
- Pioneering and Innovation Award
- Staff:
- Civil Service/Bargaining (CS/BU) Unit Staff Award
- Distinguished Academic (P&A) Staff Award
- Faculty Distinguished Teaching Awards: Undergraduate (P&A only)
- Distinguished Diversity and Inclusion Award
- Distinguished Extension/Outreach Award
- Pioneering and Innovation Award
- Students:
- Dean E.M. Freeman Medal
Graduate Assistant Teaching Award
College of Liberal Arts
- Alumni Awards:
- Alumni of Notable Achievement Award
- Emerging Alumni Award
College of Pharmacy
College of Science and Engineering
Graduate School
Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs
Law School
Medical School
- Faculty:
- John Song Distinuished Mentoring Award
- Distinguished Teaching Awards
- Exception Affiliate Faculty Teaching Award
- Exceptional Primary Care Community Faculty Teaching Award
- Licht Memorial Lecture
- Tow Humanism in Medicine Faculty Award
- Year 1 + 2 Educational Innovation Award
- Students:
- Bacaner Research Awards
- Excellence in Geriatric Scholarship Awards
- Gault Honorary Scholarship
- Graduating Medical Student Research Awards
- Horns Memorial Award
- Kaplan Award
- Lifson/Johnson Memorial Award
- Livermore Memorial Award
- Lunden Award
- Medical Student Achievement Awards
- Milne-Brandenburg Awards
- Roth-Steer Award for Research in Alzheimer's Disease
- Roza Steer Breast Cancer Research Award
- Rubin Medical Memorial Award
- Segal Award in Psychiatry
- Steer Family Award in Diabetes Research
- Steer-Johnson Award
- Therese Zink Student Narrative Award
- Tow Humanism in Medicine Student Award
- Veneziale-Steer Award
- Alumni:
- Harold S. Diehl Award
- Distinguished Alumni Award
- Early Distinguished Career Alumni Award
- Alumni Philanthropy and Service Award
School of Nursing
- Alumni Awards:
- Rising Star Award
- Distinguished Alumni Humanitarian Award
- Excellence in Practice Award
School of Public Health
- Faculty and Staff Awards:
- Charles Hewitt Creative Teaching Award
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Staff Champion Award
- Excellence in Collaboration and Creativity Group Award
- Judy Peterson Staff Excellence Award
- Leonard Schuman Award for Excellence in Teaching
- Outstanding Health Equity Impact Award
- School of Public Health Award for Excellence in Advising
- School of Public Health P&A Excellence Award
- Teamwork Excellence Award
- Alumni Awards:
- Gaylord Anderson Leadership Award
- Alumni Award of Merit
- Alumni Innovator Award
- Emerging Leader Award
- Outstanding Mentor Award