Honorary Namings


Significant University assets may be named in honor of an individual or a non-University entity to recognize service, dedication, or meritorious contributions to the institution when the naming is not associated with a gift or sponsorship. These assets should not be named for a person who is currently on the regular faculty or staff of the University, or a sitting Regent, but may be named for a person still living who has retired or left the service of the University. See the Board of Regents Policy: Namings and Renamings.

The All-University Honors Committee (AUHC) manages the process for the following honorary namings:

  • Colleges, schools, and University-level academic programs
  • Buildings and other significant University assets


The nominator must be a current member of the faculty or staff; or an alumnus. Anonymous proposals and self nominations will not be considered.

Selection Process
The AUHC manages the process and submits recommendations to the president, who makes recommendations to the Board of Regents (BOR).

Nomination Dossier
The dossier must address the following criteria, as outlined in the Board of Regents Policy: Namings and Renamings:

  • Community and belonging. Describe and demonstrate the impact of the nominee or the nominee’s work which espouses the University values of accessibility, equity, diversity, and dignity in people and ideas. 
  • Preservation and advancement of the University’s mission, guiding principles, and shared history. Describe and demonstrate the extent to which the nominee exemplifies the highest aspirations of the institution’s mission and guiding principles and advances the evolving landscape of University history and achievement.

The AUHC is particularly interested in receiving nomination packets regarding members of underrepresented and marginalized groups.

Nomination dossiers should not exceed 20 pages in length. 

Format of Nomination Dossier
The six documents described below should be submitted as a single PDF in the following order:

  1. Nomination letter
  2. Letter from campus leadership demonstrating support for the nomination
  3. Supporting letters
  4. Biographical information for the nominee
  5. Nomination summary
  6. Contact information

Nomination Letter: this letter should address the above criteria and focus on personal knowledge of the services of the nominee or the philanthropic activities that justify the nomination.  If not honoring an individual, demonstrate rationale for proposed naming.

A letter from campus leadership demonstrating support for the nomination:

  • For all nominations from the Crookston, Duluth, Morris, and Rochester campuses, the letter would be from the chancellor. 
  • For nominations from academic units on the Twin Cities campus, the letter would be from the dean of the nominating college.
  • For nominations coming from non-academic units on the Twin Cities campus, the letter would be from the unit’s vice president. 

(Note: In each of the above cases, the chancellor, dean, or vice president may serve as the nominator.)

Supporting letters: at least three, not more than five, focusing on the above criteria. If not honoring an individual, letters of support should come from campus constituents. These letters are in addition to the letter from the nominator and the letter from the dean, chancellor, or vice president. (Again, the dean, chancellor, or vice president may serve as the nominator).

Biographical information (if honoring an individual):  for the nominee: not to exceed five pages. This information must document the particular achievements that demonstrate the rationale for naming consideration. Such achievements may include, but not be limited to: education; employment; membership in professional societies; honors and awards; professional and public service; and related information. 

Nomination summary: 250 words or less, restricted to outlining the nominee's accomplishments, excluding degrees and appointments. If not honoring an individual, summary should outline rationale for proposed naming.

Contact information: separate document with contact information for nominee (if living) or their representative (if deceased); nominator; dean, chancellor, or vice president; and persons writing supporting letters. Include the mailing address, email address, and phone number for each person (if University employee, use University contact information).


Submit to the honors committee of the appropriate college/unit, if one exists. The nomination is then forwarded to the All-University Honors Committee. If a college/unit does not have an honors committee, the nomination should be submitted directly to the All-University Honors Committee, c/o Laurie Cooper Stoll, at [email protected].

Nominations must be submitted as a single PDF file with the email subject line “Nomination Submission to the All-University Honors Committee”.


During the nomination process, no disclosure is to be made to the nominee or others. Efforts will be made to maintain confidentiality with respect to the nomination process, consistent with applicable law.


  • The AUHC may reject a nomination either for lack of merit or for lack of adequate documentation. In the latter case the nomination may be revised and re-submitted.
  • Please note that there is a different process for namings of buildings for past presidents. See the Board of Regents Policy: Namings and Renamings for the process.
  • For namings that are not honorific, see the above Board of Regents Policy.

If you have any questions about the nominating process, please contact Laurie Cooper Stoll, director, University Senate Office and University Awards and Honors, at [email protected] or 612-625-4805.