Honorary Degree recipients are listed alphabetically by last name. Listed beneath each recipient name is the type of honorary award, nominating college and date of award presentation. Biographies, where available, are as-of date of award presentation.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Acrivos, Andreas
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, May 5, 2000
Adams-Ender, Clara
Doctor of Humane Letters, School of Nursing, May 15, 2009
Albright, Madeleine K.
Doctor of Laws, College of Liberal Arts, June 14, 1998
Alsop, Marin
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, October 6, 2009
Amundson, Neal R.
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, May 31, 1985
Andersen, Elmer L.
Doctor of Laws, Carlson School of Management, June 13, 1982
Anderson, Daniel J.
Doctor of Science, College of Liberal Arts, May 29, 1987
Angelou, Maya
Doctor of Humane Letters, School of Nursing, October 14, 2007
Annette, Kathleen
Doctor of Laws, University of Minnesota Duluth, October 8, 2022
Argento, Dominick J.
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, June 4, 2008
Arntzen, Charles J.
Doctor of Science, College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, December 16, 2003
Bai, Chunli
Doctor of Science, China Center & College of Science and Engineering, April 29, 2011
Bakken, Earl E.
Doctor of Science, Medical School, June 3, 1988
Bancroft, Ann
Doctor of Laws, University of Minnesota Duluth, May 17, 2008
Bardeen, John
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, December 12, 1973
Bardeen, William A.
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, May 10, 2002
Bassett, Florence Knoll
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, February 21, 2008
Bažant, Zdeněk
Doctor of Science, College of Science and Engineering, May 20, 2023
Beck, Heinrich
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, November 6, 2001
Benaissa, Mohamed
Doctor of Laws, System Academic Administration, December 4, 2007
Bennett II, Russell M.
Doctor of Laws, Law School, May 12, 2001
Berdahl, Robert M.
Doctor of Science, College of Liberal Arts, June 15, 1997
Berg, Norman A.
Doctor of Laws, College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, November 5, 2000
Berkey, Charles P.
Doctor of Science, June 15, 1940
Berman, Michael S
Doctor of Laws, University of Minnesota Duluth, May 15, 2010
Borlaug, Norman E.
Doctor of Science, College of Agriculture, June 8, 1982
Boss, Andrew
Doctor of Science, June 16, 1945
Boyd, Willard L.
Doctor of Laws, Law School, May 13, 2000
Boyer, Paul D.
Doctor of Science, College of Biological Sciences, April 13, 1996
Brandenburg, James
Doctor of Humane Letters, University of Minnesota Duluth, May 13, 2006
Brattain, Walter H.
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, June 15, 1957
Breslow, Lester
Doctor of Science, Medical School & School of Public Health, June 3, 1988
Brody, Jane Ellen
Doctor of Laws, School of Public Health, December 1, 2000
Brown, James I.
Doctor of Humane Letters, Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, September 9, 2002
Brown, Muriel Humphrey
Doctor of Laws, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, June 15, 1997
Brunelle, Philip C.
Doctor of Humane Letters, School of Music, College of Liberal Arts, October 6, 2011
Bubis, Gerald B.
Doctor of Laws, College of Education and Human Development, May 10, 2007
Buchwald, Emilie
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, May 13, 2001
Buck, Solon J.
Doctor of Laws, Libraries, June 12, 1954
Buergenthal, Thomas
Doctor of Laws, College of Liberal Arts, May 18, 2003
Bugliarello, George
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, May 6, 2005
Burger, Warren Earl
Doctor of Laws, Law School, April 4, 1978
Butler, John A.
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Education, October 8, 1982
Butler, Jon
Doctor of Science, College of Liberal Arts, December 10, 2006
Calvin, Melvin
Doctor of Science, December 20, 1969
Campbell, James R.
Doctor of Laws, Carlson School of Management, September 2, 2008
Carlson, Curtis L.
Doctor of Laws, Carlson School of Management, June 9, 1996
Carmona, Richard H.
Doctor of Laws, School of Public Health, April 10, 2008
Carpenter, Elbert L.
Doctor of Music, College of Liberal Arts, June 17, 1935
Carroll, John Bissell
Doctor of Science, College of Liberal Arts, December 7, 1986
Carroll, Sean
Doctor of Science, College of Biological Sciences, May 15, 2009
Carter, Elliot Cook
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, March 9, 2006
Chapman, Herman Haupt
Doctor of Science, June 14, 1947
Cheng, H. H.
Doctor of Laws, College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, May 9, 2004
Cheng-Hou, Lou
Doctor of Science, College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, November 5, 2001
Christiansen, F. Melius
Doctor of Music, June 14, 1937
Chryssomallis, Yanni
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts & Alumni Association, May 6, 2004
Clarke, Jean Illsley
Doctor of Laws, College of Education & Human Development, October 15, 2013
Clausen, A. W.
Doctor of Laws, Law School, May 12, 2001
Clinton, Hillary Rodham
Doctor of Laws, College of Liberal Arts, June 11, 1995
Close, Elizabeth S.
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, May 17, 2003
Cochrane, Willard W.
Doctor of Laws, College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, October 27, 2000
Coffey, Walter Castella
Doctor of Science, College of Agriculture, April 25, 1946
Comstock, Ada
Doctor of Laws, June 15, 1936
Coons, John E.
Doctor of Laws, University of Minnesota Duluth, May 22, 1999
Cooper, Thomas Poe
Doctor of Science, College of Agriculture, June 11, 1949
Countryman, Gratia
Master of Arts, College of Liberal Arts, June 6, 1932
Cousin, Ertharin
Doctor of Laws, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, May 19, 2011
Cowling, Donald J.
Doctor of Laws, June 16, 1945
Cox, David
Doctor of Science, College of Liberal Arts, December 12, 1993
Cunningham, Merce
Doctor of Humane Lettters, College of Liberal Arts, November 3, 2005
Dahlquist Lieutenant General United States Army, John Ernest
Master of Arts, June 12, 1954
Dangermond, Jack
Doctor of Science, College of Design, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, College of Liberal Arts & Institute of Technology, April 2, 2008
Daniels, Farrington
Doctor of Science, June 13, 1959
Davis, Edward W.
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, June 9, 1956
Davis, Margaret B.
Doctor of Science, College of Biological Sciences, May 18, 2002
Day O'Connor, Sandra
Doctor of Laws, Law School, November 20, 1987
Dayton, Bruce B.
Doctor of Laws, College of Liberal Arts, April 13, 2005
Dengo-Obregon, Jorge Manuel
Doctor of Laws, Institute of Technology, May 7, 2004
Denn, Morton M.
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, March 29, 2001
Denny, Jr., Charles M.
Doctor of Laws, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, November 8, 2006
Dilcher, David L.
Doctor of Science, College of Biological Sciences, September 25, 2009
Dille, Roland P.
Doctor of Humane Letters, University of Minnesota, Morris, June 9, 1995
Diouf, Jacques
Doctor of Laws, College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences, September 23, 2010
Doermann, Humphrey
Doctor of Laws, University of Minnesota, Morris, October 15, 1997
Dowling, Joe
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, May 9, 2012
Eckert, Ernst R. G.
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, June 2, 1995
Edelman, Gerald M.
Doctor of Science, Medical School, April 26, 2000
Edelman, Marian Wright
Doctor of Laws, College of Education, June 9, 1997
Elders, M. Joyce
Doctor of Science, Medical School, June 4, 1993
Eliot, Frederick May
Doctor of Laws, June 14, 1937
Estes, William K.
Doctor of Science, College of Liberal Arts, June 14, 1998
Fairhurst, Charles
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, May 5, 2000
Folwell, William Watts
Doctor of Laws, June 15, 1925
Ford, Guy Stanton
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of liberal Arts, April 25, 1946
Fraser, Claire M.
Doctor of Science, College of Biological Sciences, May 5, 2003
Fraser, Donald M.
Doctor of Laws, College of Liberal Arts, May 13, 2001
Fraser, Everett
Doctor of Laws, Law School, February 15, 1951
Friedman, Martin
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, June 10, 1990
Friedman, Thomas L.
Doctor of Humane Letters, University Relations, February 23, 2001
Galambos, Theodore V.
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, May 4, 2001
Gehry, Frank O.
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture/Weisman, June 12, 1999
Gilruth, Robert Rowe
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, June 9, 1962
Goldberg, Luella Gross
Doctor of Laws, University of Minnesota Foundation, May 7, 2007
Goldberg, Nelson D.
Doctor of Science, College of Biological Sciences/Medical School, May 12, 2000
Goldburg, Rebecca J.
Doctor of Laws, College of Biological Sciences, May 18, 2002
Goldfine, Beverly
Doctor of Laws, University of Minnesota Duluth, May 22, 1999
Goldfine, Erwin L.
Doctor of Laws, University of Minnesota Duluth, May 22, 1999
Good, Robert A.
Doctor of Science, Medical School, June 2, 1989
Goodall, Jane
Doctor of Science, College of Biological Sciences, May 12, 2001
Gorham, Eville
Doctor of Science, College of Biological Sciences, June 12, 1999
Gorlin, Robert James
Doctor of Science, School of Dentistry, May 17, 2002
Gould, Laurence McKinley
Doctor of Laws, Institute of Technology, June 9, 1962
Haarde, Geir H.
Doctor of Laws, College of Liberal Arts, May 24, 2007
Hadlow, William John
Doctor of Science, College of Veterinary Medicine, May 26, 2001
Hagstrum, Homer
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, June 6, 1986
Hagstrum, Jean H.
Doctor of Arts and Letters, College of Liberal Arts, June 6, 1986
Halonen, Tarja K.
Doctor of Laws, University of Minnesota Duluth, July 25, 2008
Harvey, Jeffrey A.
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, May 10, 2002
Hawkland, William D.
Doctor of Laws, Law School, May 12, 2001
Heaney, Gerald W.
Doctor of Laws, University of Minnesota Duluth, May 12, 2001
Hellstrom, Carl F.
Master of Arts, December 15, 1955
Henderson, D. A.
Doctor of Laws, School of Public Health, June 10, 2003
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama
Doctor of Humane Letters, Center for Spirituality and Healing, May 8, 2011
Holland, John L.
Doctor of Science, College of Liberal Arts, October 19, 2001
Horoho, Patricia D.
Doctor of Laws, School of Nursing, May 16, 2014
Hovde, Frederick L.
Doctor of Laws, June 9, 1956
Hubbard, Stanley S.
Doctor of Laws, College of Liberal Arts, College of Education and Human Development, and Medical School, May 13, 2004
Hueg, Jr., William F.
Doctor of Laws, College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, June 7, 1998
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Doctor of Laws, Law School, June 11, 1966
Ignarro, Louis J.
Doctor of Science, Medical School, May 10, 2002
Ikeda, Daisaku
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences and Humphrey School of Public Affairs, May 14, 2022
Janzen, Daniel H.
Doctor of Science, College of Biological Sciences, June 8, 1996
Jensen, Johan Fjord
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, November 6, 2001
Johnson, Henry
Doctor of Laws, June 14, 1937
Johnson, James A.
Doctor of Laws, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, May 14, 2006
Jungck, John R.
Doctor of Science, College of Biological Sciences, May 15, 2004
Juran, Joseph Moses
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, May 7, 1992
Kaguta, Yoweri Museveni
Doctor of Laws, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, June 23, 1994
Kampelman, Max M.
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, December 13, 1987
Kappel, Fred R.
Doctor of Engineering, Institute of Technology, June 11, 1966
Kellogg, Frank B.
Doctor of Laws, June 8, 1931
Keys, Ancel
Doctor of Science, School of Public Health, April 12, 2001
Kobilka, Brian
Doctor of Science, University of Minnesota Duluth, March 10, 2019
Krogh, Lester C.
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, May 18, 1990
Krueger, Anne O.
Doctor of Science, College of Liberal Arts, November 8, 2018
Kushner, Tony
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, May 21, 2009
LaDuke, Winona
Doctor of Laws, University of Minnesota Duluth, May 16, 2002
Laingen, Bruce
Doctor of Laws, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, June 15, 2005
Lawrence, Gwendolyn Knight
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, January 2, 1996
Lawrence, Jacob
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, January 2, 1996
Lebra, Joyce Chapman
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, June 9, 1996
LeSueur, Meridel
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, June 14, 1992
Levorsen, Arville Irving
Doctor of Science, June 14, 1947
Levy, Gerhard
Doctor of Science, College of Pharmacy, May 12, 2001
Lewis, Edward B.
Doctor of Science, College of Biological Sciences, November 1, 1993
Libertus, Ronald L.
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, May 12, 2001
Little, Matthew
Doctor of Laws, Student Affairs, May 3, 2002
MacKenzie, Warren
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, May 11, 2015
Maier, Henry W.
Doctor of Science, Medical School, May 8, 2001
Malcolm, Jan
Doctor of Laws, School of Public Health, May 16, 2020
Manthey, Marie
Doctor of Laws, School of Nursing, June 18, 1999
Marten, Gordon C.
Doctor of Science, College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, April 10, 2006
Masahito, H. I. H. Prince Hitachi
Doctor of Science, College of Biological Sciences, April 18, 2001
Mayo, Charles Horace
Doctor of Laws, June 17, 1935
Mayo, William James
Doctor of Laws, June 17, 1935
McFadden, Daniel L.
Doctor of Science, College of Liberal Arts, September 28, 2017
McHugh, Sister Antonia
Doctor of Laws, June 15, 1936
McNutt, Marcia K.
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, November 18, 2004
Meehl, Paul E.
Doctor of Science, College of Liberal Arts, October 19, 2001
Michnik, Adam
Doctor of Laws, College of Liberal Arts, October 25, 1990
Mickelsen, Stanley Raymond
Master of Arts, June 12, 1954
Millett, Kate
Doctor of Science, College of Liberal Arts, April 21, 2014
Mitropoulos, Dimitri
Doctor of Music, June 12, 1943
Moe, Richard
Doctor of Humane Letters, University of Minnesota Duluth, May 14, 2005
Moe, Roger D.
Doctor of Laws, University of Minnesota, Crookston, May 8, 2004
Moiseiwitsch, Tanya
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, September 29, 1994
Mondale, Joan Adams
Doctor of Humane Letters, University of Minnesota Duluth, May 24, 1997
Mondale, Walter Frederick
Doctor of Laws, Law School, April 4, 1978
Doctor of Humane Letters, University of Minnesota Duluth, May 24, 1997
Morrill, James Lewis
Doctor of Laws, June 9, 1962
Mountcastle, Vernon B.
Doctor of Science, Medical School, April 28, 1995
Mroz, Zenon
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, December 12, 2003
Myers, Ruth
Doctor of Humane Letters, University of Minnesota Duluth, November 19, 1994
Nelson, Marilyn Carlson
Doctor of Laws, Carlson School of Management & Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, October 7, 2008
Nelson, Prince Rogers
Doctor of Humane Letters, School of Music, College of Liberal Arts, September 26, 2018
Newton, Robert
Doctor of Science, June 12, 1954
Nier, Alfred O. C.
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, December 14, 1980
Niinistö, Sauli Väinämö
Doctor of Laws, College of Liberal Arts, September 23, 2017
Nordbye, Gunnar H.
Doctor of Laws, June 13, 1959
Nurse, Sir Paul M.
Doctor of Science, College of Biological Sciences, August 2, 2007
Oberstar, James L.
Doctor of Laws, University of Minnesota Duluth, May 13, 2000
Odegard, Robert J.
Doctor of Laws, College of Liberal Arts & College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, February 11, 2000
Oden, Harry
Doctor of Laws, University of Minnesota Duluth, May 13, 2006
Ojakangas, Beatrice Luoma
Doctor of Humane Letters, University of Minnesota Duluth, May 12, 2007
Olseth, Dale R.
Doctor of Laws, Medical School, May 13, 2004
Olson, Sigurd Ferdinad
Doctor of Humane Letters, October 5, 1979
Ornstein, Norman J.
Doctor of Laws, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, May 13, 2007
Paulson, John W.
Doctor of Humane Letters, School of Music, May 5, 2017
Paulucci, Jeno F.
Doctor of Laws, University of Minnesota Duluth, May 16, 2009
Pearson, J.R. Anthony
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, December 16, 2002
Tang, Peisong
Doctor of Science, College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, November 28, 1996
Pelli, Cesar
Doctor of Humane Letters, University of Minnesota Duluth, May 15, 2004
Perkins, Sr., Leigh H.
Doctor of Laws, College of Natural Resources, October 8, 2001
Perng, Fai-nan
Doctor of Laws, College of Liberal Arts & System Academic Administration, August 21, 2006
Pettijohn, Francis
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, May 8, 1986
Phillips, Jay
Doctor of Humanities, Medical School, September 8, 1981
Plimpton, Russell A.
Master of Arts, June 9, 1956
Pomeroy, Benjamin S.
Doctor of Science, College of Veterinary Medicine, May 26, 2001
Predock, Antoine
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, May 12, 2001
Prestegard, James H.
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, September 27, 2001
Ramkrishna, Doraiswami
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, September 10, 2004
Ray, W. Harmon
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, March 29, 2001
Raymond, Lee R.
Doctor of Laws, Institute of Technology, May 16, 2001
Rivet, Jeannine M.
Doctor of Laws, School of Nursing, December 16, 2022
Roberts, Thomas S.
Doctor of Science, June 15, 1940
Rosenquist, James
Doctor of Humane Letters, General College, May 18, 2002
Rowan, Carl T.
Doctor of Laws, College of Liberal Arts, May 14, 2000
Rowe, Ednor M.
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, October 18, 1993
Rutter, Michael L.
Doctor of Science, College of Liberal Arts, May 14, 1993
Salmela, David
Doctor of Humane Letters, University of Minnesota Duluth, May 12, 2007
Sam, Kim Young
Doctor of Laws, Academic Affairs/Institute of International Studies and Programs, December 3, 1996
Sandler, Stanley
Doctor of Science, College of Science and Engineering, November 4, 2022
Sargent, Thomas J.
Doctor of Science, College of Liberal Arts, February 4, 2013
Sasakawa, Yohei
Doctor of Laws, College of Liberal Arts, April 25, 2017
Scheie, Harold G.
Doctor of Humane Letters, Medical School, January 1, 1989
Schneider, Maria
Doctor of Letters, School of Music, September 24, 2012
Schulz, Charles M.
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, October 2, 1994
Schulze, Richard M.
Doctor of Laws, Medical School, June 17, 2011
Serageldin, Ismail
Doctor of Laws, College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, March 24, 2005
Shalala, Donna E.
Doctor of Laws, College of Human Ecology, May 15, 2002
Shannon, James Patrick
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, June 11, 1966
Sharp, Phillip A.
Doctor of Science, College of Biological Sciences, May 13, 2011
Sherman, Fred
Doctor of Science, Medical School, November 11, 2002
Shetty, Devi Prasad
Doctor of Laws, School of Public Health, April 19, 2011
Shumway, Norman E.
Doctor of Science, Academic Health Center, October 19, 2004
Sims, Christopher
Doctor of Science, College of Liberal Arts, September 26, 2013
Sinclair, Gregg Manners
Doctor of Laws, June 11, 1949
Sirleaf, Ellen Johnson
Doctor of Laws, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, April 10, 2009
Skrowaczewski, Stanislaw
Doctor of Musical Arts, October 8, 1979
Snyder, Fred B.
Doctor of Laws, June 15, 1940
Stakman, Elvin C.
Doctor of Science, June 12, 1954
Stassen, Harold Edward
Doctor of Laws, December 13, 1972
Stevenson, Harold W.
Doctor of Science, College of Education, June 3, 1996
Stoll, Elmer Edgar
Doctor of Humane Letters, June 15, 1950
Swain, Thomas H.
Doctor of Laws, Alumni Association, August 13, 1998
Swaminathan, Monkombu S.
College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, October 13, 2014
Syvertson, C. A. "Sy"
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, May 7, 2004
Taylor, Billy
Doctor of Humane Letters, University of Minnesota Duluth, March 5, 2004
Teske, Richard P.
Doctor of Laws, University of Minnesota Duluth, May 15, 2010
Thistlewaite, Frank
Doctor of Science, College of Liberal Arts, June 12, 1994
Thomas, Lewis
Doctor of Science, Medical School, June 2, 1989
Thompson, Tommy G.
Doctor of Laws, School of Public Health, May 16, 2005
Tsiang, Yien-si
Doctor of Laws, College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences, June 2, 1996
Tu, Guangzhi
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, May 21, 1999
Tutu, Archbishop Desmond Mpilo
Doctor of Laws, College of Continuing Education, February 25, 2003
Valasek, Joseph
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, June 11, 1983
Van Vleck, John Hasbrouck
Doctor of Science, December 15, 1971
Vänskä, Osmo
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, October 18, 2008
Varma, Chandra M.
Doctor of Science, College of Science and Engineering, April 22, 2010
Vessey, Jr., John William
Doctor of Laws, School of Dentistry, May 16, 2008
Vincent, George Edgar
Doctor of Laws, June 8, 1931
Wade, Abdoulaye
Doctor of Laws, College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences & Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, September 24, 2004
Wade, Viviane
Doctor of Laws, Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, September 24, 2004
Waite, Edward Foote
Doctor of Laws, June 11, 1949
Wallberg-Henriksson, Harriet
Doctor of Science, Academic Health Center, April 30, 2010
Wallin, Winston R.
Doctor of Laws, Medical School, April 18, 1995
Ward, John W.
Doctor of Humane Letters, Graduate School, May 23, 1985
Ward, Laysha
Doctor of Laws, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, May 18, 2019
Warland, Dale
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, October 23, 2004
Warren, Robert Penn
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, June 14, 1987
Watkins, Susan M.
Doctor of Science, College of Design, May 17, 2014
Wei, Yu
Doctor of Laws, Institute of Technology, December 7, 1998
White, Joseph L.
Doctor of Laws, System Academic Administration, May 10, 2007
Wilkins, Roy
Doctor of Laws, June 12, 1976
Wilson, August
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, October 9, 2002
Wilson, Louis B.
Doctor of Science, June 15, 1940
Wright, Jr., Herbert E.
Doctor of Science, College of Biological Sciences, April 13, 1996
Yongxiang, Lu
Doctor of Science, Institute of Technology, May 21, 2007
Zentner, David F.
Doctor of Laws, University of Minnesota Duluth, May 17, 2003
Zhenghua, Jiang
Doctor of Science, College of Liberal Arts & System Academic Administration, November 2, 2004
Zhu, Chen
Doctor of Science, China Center & College of Science and Engineering, October 8, 2012
Ziebarth, E. W.
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, June 15, 1985
Zinman, David
Doctor of Humane Letters, College of Liberal Arts, June 9, 1991