President's Award for Outstanding Service

The University of Minnesota President's Award for Outstanding Service was established in 1997 to recognize faculty and staff (current or retired) who have provided exceptional service to the University, its schools, colleges, departments, and service units. Such service must have gone well beyond the regular duties of a faculty or staff member, and demonstrate unusual commitment to the University community.

Selection Process

The President's Award for Outstanding Service Committee, appointed by the president, recommends candidates for this award to the president. The president will have final authority to grant the award, which does not require action by the Senate All-University Honors Committee or approval by the Board of Regents.


The nominee must be a current or retired member of the University faculty or staff who has not already received this award. The following, which includes the current members of the President's Senior Leadership Group, are NOT eligible for this award:

  • Deans
  • Chancellors
  • Vice Presidents
  • Executive Vice President and Provost
  • President of the University of Minnesota Foundation
  • Chief Auditor
  • General Counsel
  • Secretary to the Board of Regents
  • Athletics Director, Twin Cities Campus
  • Senior Assistant to the President
  • Chief of Staff for the Office of the President


Must be a current member of the faculty or staff, or alumni of the University.

Nomination Dossier

The five documents described below should be submitted as a single PDF in the following order:

  1. Cover Page
  2. Letter from Nominator
  3. Letter from the Person Nominee Reports to
  4. Supporting Letters
  5. Vitae and or Job Description

1. Cover Page: Complete the cover page to the nomination and submit with the complete nomination packet. Note: The cover page is an editable PDF that will need to be downloaded to your computer before entering information.

2. Letter from Nominator*: Should focus on personal knowledge of the nominee's exceptional service, e.g., innovative service to students, the University community (broadly interpreted), individual units of the University, or outreach beyond the University.

         *Note: The letter of nomination must be signed by one individual rather  
          than multiple people or a group.

3. Letter from the Person Nominee Reports To: Nomination must include a letter from the person to whom the nominee reports demonstrating their support for the nomination (this may be submitted as the letter of nomination or as one of the letters of support). If the person is retired, the letter should come from the person to whom they reported in their previous position.

4. Supporting Letters*: Three from the nominee's peers in and outside the University. Again, these should focus on personal knowledge as above.

       *Note: Supporting letters must be signed by one individual rather than    
        multiple people or a group.

        See: How many letters should be included in my nomination file?

5. Vitae and/or Job Description: Appropriate for the position.

Nomination Submission

Submit nominations to the President's Award for Outstanding Service Committee, ℅ Laurie Cooper Stoll, director, University Awards and Honors, at [email protected].

Nominations must be submitted as a single PDF file with email subject line "Nomination Submission for the 2025 President's Award for Outstanding Service."

Additional Information

Persons writing letters of nomination should know that such letters will be legally available to the nominee upon request, even to an unsuccessful candidate who becomes aware of the nomination. Nominators should also make sure that writers of supporting letters are aware that their letters, too, will be available upon request.

Recipients of the President's Award for Outstanding Service receive a one-time $1000 stipend with necessary taxes deducted. In addition, an engraved crystal award piece, a pin specifically designed for the President's Award for Outstanding Service, and a certificate will be presented to recipients at a recognition event to be announced.

If you have any questions about the nominating process, please contact Laurie Cooper Stoll, director, University Awards and Honors, at [email protected] or 612-625-4805.